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Monday, March 06, 2006

Coming Soon: 2006 Native American Voters Alliance Convention

Building Native Power Through Voting and Action: Get complete details here. Register NOW!

WHERE: Albuquerque Convention Center
401 2nd Street NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

WHEN: March 16 - 17, 2006
FEE: $50.00 (Scholarships Available!)

Registration is fast, easy and secure. There are two ways to do it.

REGISTER BY MAIL - Simply print and complete the registration form using the link below. Include a check for the $50.00 registration fee and mail to the address provided. Download registration form.

REGISTER ONLINE - The SAGE Council website has a secure donations page that allows you to pay the registration fee with a credit card. GO THERE NOW!

ASK ABOUT SCHOLARSHIPS - Scholarships are available to cover all or a portion of the registration fee and, for some out of town guests, a portion of your travel costs. To apply, simply call Bineshi Albert at 260-4696 or send an email to NativeVoter@SageCouncil.org.

Building Native Power Through Voting and Action   

Thursday, March 16th, 2006

  • 08:00 AM Registration Opens, East Building 2nd Floor Foyer
  • 09:00 AM Welcome & Keynote address
  • 10:30 AM Power Plenary - this skills building session will demonstrate the power dynamics to achieve political gain.
  • 12:30 PM Luncheon Plenary – How do we build political power for the Native community?
  • 02:30 PM Power Mapping – Defining the potential of Native power in relation to players, including allies, opposition, decision makers and media, in the NM political arena.
  • 04:15 PM Workshops – Basic organizing tools & Technologies, Voting Rights Act - Implications & Reauthorization, NM Voter Election Laws & Changes, New & Young Voters
  • 06:00 PM Reception – Invitees include New Mexico elected officials, tribal leaders, community leaders and convention participants
  • 07:30 PM End

Friday, March 17th, 2006

  • 07:45 AM Breakfast (Continental)
  • 08:30 AM Morning Plenary –Mobilizing the Native Vote in NM: A Showcase of Successful Models
  • 10:30 AM Message Development – How to garner broader political support for Native issues?
  • 12:00 PM Luncheon Plenary – Realizing a Native Agenda: Working with your Elected Officials
  • 02:00 PM Workshops – Basic organizing tools & Technologies, Voting Rights Act - Implications & Reauthorization, NM Voter Election Laws & Changes, New & Young Voters
  • 04:00 PM Open Forum - Sound Off
  • 05:00 PM Wrap-up & End

SAGE Council is sponsoring this historic event along with Zia Pueblo, the National Indian Youth Council and the New Mexico Secretary of State's Native American Election Information Program. SAGE Council is a Native-led advocacy non-profit dedicated to building self-determination and relationships through organizing, education and leadership development. We are committed to impacting the social, economic and political decisions affecting our communities, and using the teachings of our ancestors to prepare future generations. We maintain spiritual and political values that respect Mother Earth, Native American sacred sites and all People.

SAGE Council
510 3rd St SW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

March 6, 2006 at 11:26 AM in Events | Permalink


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