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Friday, February 10, 2006

Words For It

Sieg_1Please go to the following website www.lisagill.org  and click on GWB's face. It will take you to a poem written by an Albuquerque woman, as her response to the State of the Union speech.

She has the words for it. (Thanks to Anne for the heads up.)

February 10, 2006 at 01:23 PM in Current Affairs, Iraq War | Permalink


This is off topic, but what do you know about the Albuquerque woman who wrote a letter to the editor and was charged with sedition? Laura Berg, a VA nurse.

Posted by: KathyF | Feb 11, 2006 1:56:49 AM

Don't know much about her personally. Just that she had her letter published in the Alibi, and that the ACLU is helping her. Her VA work computer was seized and they found nothing there since she apparently didn't write the letter at work.

Posted by: barb | Feb 11, 2006 12:57:01 PM

Love the poem. Very powerful.

Posted by: Silver City Jan | Feb 11, 2006 4:30:44 PM

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