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    Monday, February 27, 2006

    What is the Iraq War Costing Us?

    From the National Priorities Project Bulletin:
    The Iraq War continues unabated after nearly three years and costs continue to mount. Recently, the administration submitted to Congress a $72.4 billion request for additional war-related funding.  The National Priorities Project's (NPP) analysis of the request concluded that total spending on the Iraq War will rise to more than $315 billion, if approved.

    NPP's new publication, "Cost of Iraq War Rises," offers you local and state taxpayer costs of the Iraq War, as well as additional information about what is included in the administration's request. To find information for your city, county, or state, or obtain additional analysis of the administration request, go here.

    NPP estimates that the request will add another $61 billion in funding to the Iraq War, and $10 billion for the war in Afghanistan.  Other funding included is $900 million for international assistance and peacekeeping activities in parts of Africa and Pakistan.

    In addition to the financial cost in Iraq, casualties grow with insurgent attacks in 2005 higher than in 2004 and a doubling of car and roadside bombs. More than 2,275 U.S. soldiers have been killed as well as tens of thousands of Iraqis.  The number of U.S. military casualties by state is also available at:  www.nationalpriorities.org/iraqwarcost.   

    Please let us know if and how you use this publication in your work or your own activism, and please help spread the word that it is available.

    Pamela Schwartz, Outreach Director

    February 27, 2006 at 11:12 AM in Iraq War | Permalink


    Where is this money going???

    I would love to see the people that we have elected to office have a sit-in until a breakdown of where these billions are going is provided.

    I work on Gov't projects and they account for every damn dollar in my experience.

    This is going to crush the US.....it is totally unsustainable. This debt is the real boogey man in the closet

    Posted by: mary ellen | Feb 27, 2006 2:20:39 PM

    This war will bankrupt us for generations. Maybe that is what they want. Then the corporations can take over completely.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Feb 27, 2006 4:25:18 PM

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