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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Senate Committee Passes House Minimum Wage Bill

According to an article in the Santa Fe New Mexican, the NM Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee passed Speaker Lujan's House bill (HB 258) by a 5-4 margin. This bill would raise the minimum wage to $7.50 over two years and provide for indexing to the cost of living. The bill goes next to the Senate Finance Committee, where an alternative proposal advocated by Gov. Bill Richardson is also pending. That bill, SB 449, provides for a $7.50 wage phased in over three years with no indexing for inflation.

With the regular Session set to adjourn next Thursday at Noon, it will be a difficult task for legislators to come up with a compromise between the two bills. Supporters are urged to contact members of the Senate Finance Commitee and urge them to adopt Rep. Lujan's version of the bill.

February 12, 2006 at 12:41 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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