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Thursday, February 16, 2006

NO VICTORY On Minimum Wage Bill

Looks like several at least one stubborn Democratic Senator wouldn't budge. According to Kate Nash's Roundhouse Report:

The House early Wednesday approved SB 446, a measure by Senate President Ben Altamirano, a Silver City Democrat, to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.75 next year and $7.50 in 2008.

But because the House amended it, House and Senate negotiators had to meet in private this morning to work out a compromise that ultimately failed to pass both chambers.

However, because a tax measure (HB 82) strongly supported by Governor Richardson also failed to pass, reports are that he may call the legislators back into a Special Session to deal with these two issues. We can hope. HB 82 is a sweeping tax measure that includes a working families tax credit.

Here's what New Mexicans For a Fair Wage had to say:

No Bill
A dramatic finish to the legislative session produced no minimum wage bills for the Governor to sign or veto.  A House/Senate Conference committee came up with a compromise bill that looked very much like the Speaker's bill late this morning. The House approved the conference bill but the senate ran out of time and failed to act on the bill. 

Who would have guessed that the New Mexico legislature would come within a single vote of passing one of the strongest minimum wage bills in the country? Though surely disappointed by the loss, we are in excellent shape. If the Governor does call a special session, we should be able to pass a good bill. If not, we are well-poised for next year, and we are moving ahead on local initiatives around New Mexico. 

Thanks to all the coalition members and supporters, Speaker Lujan, Governor Richardson, and Senator Altamirano.  Stay tuned for more updates.

February 16, 2006 at 04:35 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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