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Monday, February 06, 2006

MAKE CALLS NOW: House Votes on Lujan Minimum Wage Bill Today

6 PM UPDATE: According to Kate Nash's Roundhouse Report, "House members met briefly this morning, and then went to caucus, presumably on the minimum wage bill on the House floor calendar today." She called it the "probably the most worked-on bill so far this session."

From New Mexicans for a Fair Wage:
The Committee Substitute for HB 258 (Rep. Ben Lujan) raising the minimum wage to $7.50 will be heard and voted this morning (Monday) on the House Floor. The votes of the following representatives are CRUCIAL for this important bill to pass. Here's the latest version of the bill.

Please call the offices of as many as you can this morning and urge them to support the Committee Substitute for HB 258 (It is particularly important if one of these representatives is from your own community, that you let him/her know that you support HB 258.):

Rep. Ray Begaye (Shiprock) 986-4436; Rep. Joe Cervantes (Las Cruces) 986-441; Rep. Mary Helen Garcia (Las Cruces) 986-4435; Rep. John Heaton (Carlsbad) 986-4432; Rep. Rhonda King (Stanley) 986-4438

Also SB 449, the Governor’s proposal, is on the long agenda for this afternoon’s Senate Corporations Committee at 2:00 PM in room 303. Call the following senators, and ask them to amend the Governor’s proposal by removing preemption and adding indexing:

Senator Shannon Robinson, Albuquerque (986-4856); Senator Bernadette Sanchez, Albuquerque (986-4267); Senator Diane Snyder, Albuquerque (986-4375); Senator Carlos Cisneros, Questa (986-4861); Senator Phil Griego, Santa Fe (986-4265); Senator Cynthia Nava, Las Cruces (986-4834); Senator Stuart Ingle, Portales (986-4702); Senator Dianna Duran, Tularosa (986-4701); Senator Mark Boitano, Albuquerque (986-4366).

February 6, 2006 at 10:06 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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