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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

IWW Centenary Art Show Opens This Friday

Joehill5IWW Centenary Art Show Grand Opening
Friday, January 6
6:00 - 10:00 PM
929-1/2 4th Street SW, Out Ch’Yonda Performance Space
Barelas Neighborhood, Albuquerque
Celebrating 100 years of Revolutionary Unionism

Two unique art exhibitions that celebrate more than 100 years of revolutionary labor history and working class culture open in Albuquerque on Friday, January 6th. The event will include speakers, food, poetry and breakdancers.

The shows tell stories of the first 100 years of the Industrial Workers of the World, also known as the I.W.W. or the Wobblies, a radical labor union which has struggled for a multiracial, radical labor movement made up of all workers, including "unskilled" workers shunned by the AFL-CIO. IWW members have created a vast amount of poetry, music, and artwork to inspire workers to take action and reflecting their struggles.

Speakers include:
Carlos Cansino, a longtime Xicano revolutionary and land grant activist; Bob Anderson, an ex-steel worker organizing against militarism; CJ Levine, a restraunt worker and IWW organizer; Danny Solis, a poet and musician; Fred Mahinafarahmand, a carpenter fighting for his job at UNM; and Aztatl, a Xicano poet, artist and activist.

Class_pyramid Featuring:
Yours for the OBU: Radical Wobbly Traditions in the art of Carlos Cortez, Koyokuikatl and Dylan Miner (local)

The Traveling Wobbly Show:
With artwork by Sue Coe, Fly, Seth Tobocman, Peter Kuper, Trina Robbins, Josh MacPhee, Nicole Schulman, Mike Alewitz, Susan Simensky Bietila, Sabrina Jones, Mike Konopacki, Harvey Pekar, Spain Rodriguez, and others.

The Traveling Wobbly Show has been on a yearlong tour though the United States and parts of Canada. The curator of the exhibit, Paul Buhle, has recently edited a stunning full color book titled "WOBBLIES!  A Comic Book History of the IWW." Local wobblies will be there to answer any questions and will have a literature table.

Question? Call 331-6132 or email abq@iww.org. To contact the performance space for information on future hours you can see the exhibit call 385-5634.

(Click on image above for larger image. Click link in Coming Events section on right side of this page for flyer.)


January 4, 2006 at 09:53 AM in Events | Permalink


Wow, check out the larger version of that second poster!

Posted by: IzzyL | Jan 4, 2006 4:31:32 PM

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