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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Heads Up: Health Action NM Legislative Panel Meets 1/5

From Terri Holland:
Health Action NM is presenting their 2006 Legislative Panel Meeting tomorrow, January 5th from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at the Continuing Ed Building on University at Indian School NE in the main building.  "Legislative Priorities for the January 2006 Session" will feature the following panel speakers:

Sandra Penn, MD: Health Care for All Campaign;

Representative Danice Picraux: Chair, Interim Health & Human Services Committee-Health Issues;

Senator SueWilson Beffort: Member, Interim Health & Human Service Committee-Health Issues

Senator Linda Lopez: Chair, Welfare Reform Committee-Child Care Issues;

Ruth Hoffman: Director, Lutheran Office Governmental Affairs-Tax Reform Issues; NM Voices for Children-Medicaid Issues

Health Action NM is working for a statewide health care system that...

  • Puts control into the hands of health care consumers based upon their medical needs and not on corporate or personal profit.
  • Is publicly regulated to assure responsiveness to patient's needs and wishes.
  • Provides easily understood health plans with meaningful grievance procedures to resolve health care disputes and protect patient's rights.

For further information, please call Mandy Pino at 292-3721, daytime calls only.

January 4, 2006 at 03:25 PM in Events | Permalink


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