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Monday, January 30, 2006

Alito: Hall of Cowards

The filibuster against Alito was stymied. Votes for cloture (and against filibuster): 72. Votes against cloture (and for filibuster): 25.

Here's the list of the 19 Dem Senators who betrayed the traditional principles of the Democratic Party and decided they couldn't "risk" supporting a filibuster. Many of them will vote no on the Alito nomination. However, they apparently didn't see any reason to go on the record as opposing Alito with no holds barred. Alito, one of the most divisive and dangerous nominees to the Supreme Court in decades, gets a pass. This bunch didn't even see any value in prolonging debate long enough to stop Bush from declaring victory and showcasing Alito at tomorrow's State of the Union. Whose side are they on?

A no vote on the nomination without supporting a filibuster is almost worse than a vote for Alito. If you read the scathing commentary on Alito of many of these spineless Dems, you'll wonder how they could decline to stand and fight with a filibuster. To me, they are nothing more than weak advocates who run and hide when the vile Republican spin machine threatens them. The least they could have done was to abstain from the cloture vote, as Tom Harkin (D-IA) did.

Democratic Hall of Cowards:
Daniel Akaka, HI
Max Baucus, MT
Jeff Bingaman, D-NM (more on this soon)
Robert Byrd, D-WV
Maria Cantwell, D-WA
Tom Carper, D-DE
Kent Conrad, D-ND
Byron Dorgan, D-ND
Daniel Inouye, D-HI
Tim Johnson, D-SD
Herb Kohl, D-WI
Mary Landrieu, D-LA
Joe Lieberman, D-CT
Blanche Lincoln, D-AR
Ben Nelson, D-NE
Bill Nelson, D-FL
Mark Pryor, D-AR
Jay Rockefeller, D-WVA
Ken Salazar, D-CO

As Bob Fertig says on Democrats.com:

So why did these Democrats decide to stab us all in the back? For one simple reason: because we let them.

Democratic candidates - at every level - take us, the Democratic base, completely for granted. They ask us for money and we give it to them - with no strings attached. They ask us for votes and we give it to them - with no strings attached. They are not accountable because we don't hold them accountable. That must change.

You might say.

A late addition from Maryscott O'Connor's diary on Daily Kos about this travesty, which mentions an absurd interaction with a staffer at Jeff Bingaman's office. Read it. And then think about how way too many Democrats think of the Democratic base as a powerless entity they don't have to even deal with seriously. Or even with any degree of respect.

Hey Bingaman staffers, did you get those 2000 calls in 20 minutes? Oh I know, it wouldn't matter if you did, unless it was from those campaign contributors with the deep pockets...

Here's today's floor statement by Kerry.

January 30, 2006 at 04:42 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


Here's one possible reason why they balked at a filibuster: they could register a No vote - "I opposed Alito" - and yet have Alito as a rallying cry for the 2006 elections, to try to get us to vote for a Democrat, any Democrat, so as not to have more of the same. Sorry. The age of having it both ways is over. If someone can mount a primary challenge to Bingaman, I'll work for him or her. If Bingaman is on the ballot come November, I will not vote for him. And if he loses to a Republican . . .? Well, what's the difference? By doing less than he could have done to stop Alito, he helped to give the Republicans a victory as surely as if he'd voted for him, and we and our children will live with the results of his inaction for a generation. I vote for a Democrat because I want someone who will stand against torture, stand against illegal wiretapping, stand for environmental responsibility and alternative energy, stand against holding prisoners for years without charges, stand up against an imperial presidency. Bingaman. Give me One Good Reason to vote for Bingaman again.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Jan 30, 2006 5:15:03 PM

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. This is a dark day for America. It is so sad that Bingaman didn't feel motivated enough to fight to the end.

Posted by: Jan from Silver City | Jan 30, 2006 7:01:45 PM

There are so many critical issues at play. I think to get anywhere we have to start with reforming the Democratic Party. Some of the biggest obstacles to a truly Democratic agenda lie within it.

Posted by: I Vote | Jan 30, 2006 7:14:30 PM

In my book Senator Jeff Binganan is a Coward, Gut Less and not a Democrat that is for New Mexican's and their needs. The only way to Reform the Democratic Party of New Mexico is to Rid of Richardson's Control of the Party and give the Party back to the Membership. I left the Democratic Party because of Richardson's support of his chosen few Candidates and his "Boy" Richard Romero who lost twice to Wilson. During the 2004 Election Cycle, Richardson and his Lt. Governor hung Dr. Miles Nelson and I out to dry by pinning Democrat against Democrat. My heart is with the Democratic Party and Gov. Dean, whom I respect. The "Irrelevant" Democrat's MUST unite and stand firm against the Neo-Con Democrat's Richardson and Senator Binganan who have turned their backs on New Mexican's and New Mexico Democratic Party Platform. Patricia Madrid has been "hand picked" by the same "Regulars" whom control the Democratic Party of New Mexico. During the 2004 Congressional Election, Richardson and his Lt. Governor supported Richard Romero and he lost to Wilson. Madrid's non-action (s) as Attorney General in regards to the Kickback Scandal at the State Treasures Office will be a campaign Issue. According to New Mexico Law Enforcement Officers, Madrid failed to investigate, indict, and prosecute the Kickback Sandal in 1999 because "it was to political". Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jan 30, 2006 8:56:11 PM

For those interested, here is a link to the most recent polling numbers for all the Senators mentioned above.


Posted by: NewMexicoMatters.com | Jan 30, 2006 10:27:07 PM

I'm so happy that Bingaman didn't side with the horrible "liberals" who wanted to filibuster. We wouldn't want Jeff being identified as some Democrat who believes in the Constitution and values a just democracy. We want Jeff hooked up with the forces of fascism and religious fundamentalism, don't we?

Besides, if the debate was allowed to go on any longer, poor Bush wouldn't be able to trumpet his win and have Alito in the front row at tonight's speech.

This way Jeff can stand proudly at Bush's side on Friday when he gives a speech here. He can even wink and grin at George hoping to get a nod and a wink back.

Posted by: El Norte | Jan 31, 2006 9:04:16 AM

Too many Democrats take their base for granted. Over and over we are told to vote for them and give money and work for them despite the fact they don't represent us on so many issues.

The conservatives gained power by keeping the pressure on Republican candidates and their Party. We need to follow a similar path to power in our Party.

I, for one, will not give my vote or time or money away unless I get assurances that the candidate will support real Democratic positions and issues. Enough is enough. If Bingaman wants my vote he'll have to work for it.

Posted by: NM Kossack | Jan 31, 2006 10:19:40 AM

What a present for Bush. We let Alito get confirmed just in time for the speech. Other controversial sup ct noms had much longer debates. I guess we wanted to get this one done fast so bush could brag at the state of the union, eh? good job

Posted by: James | Jan 31, 2006 1:06:42 PM

HE VOTED NO ON ALITO!! HOW MUCH DOES HE HAVE TO DO!! The fact of the matter is that this nominee was going to get passed no matter what. Sure, we'd go down in flaming glory, but what good would that do when the majority of Americans would view it as pandering anyway.

I just wish that while people decide to slam Senator Bingaman they would recall the Medicaid money he has brought to New Mexico or the drug prevention money he has brought to the state. Or that he voted against the Iraq war, or has done more for education than any New Mexico politician.

Yes, lets all put Kerry on a pedastal today. It doesnt even matter to people that he's running a permanent campaign for President. At least we have a Senator that will try his best to do good things, regardless of the circumstances (55 Repubs in the Senate) It so easy to protest and to just take a seat, but thats not Senator Bingaman.

But maybe everybody would just be satisfied if all Dems in D.C. just laid themselves down on the train tracks. Because that would certainly get constructive things done. Its time for everybody to take a dose of political reality.

Posted by: joaquin | Jan 31, 2006 1:26:47 PM

Here's a dose of political reality: if we have any chance of overturning the right-wing onslaught on the Constitution and most other things we hold dear, business as usual has to stop.

Wake up. The Senate is no longer a gentlemen's debating society. It's the backdrop for ultra conservative ideologues dedicated to undermining the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the checks and balance of power among the branches of government. I could go on.

Sure he voted no. So what? ANY Democrat should naturally vote no on such a horrible nominee. Whether we had the votes to sustain a filibuster or not, the real test was if any Dem worth his salt would take the spotlight and point out in no uncertain terms what is wrong with Alito and the kind of executive power and limited privacy rights he advocates. As just a START on the fights that will have to take place regarding the Patriot Act, NSA mess, Congressional corruption and budget cuts.

With such a weak strategy for countering Alito's appointment, an embarrassing lack of coherence and focus in the Judiciary hearing, and the massive lack of unity displayed in the filibuster fight, do you really think most Dems, let alone any other voters out there, perceive our Party and officeholders as strong, courageous, enduring and right? We make our case so poorly that even life-long Dems lose faith.

With the corporate media so skewed to the right, here was a chance to hold the floor in passionate debate and show some spunk. Maybe even more important,it was an opportunity to show the Democratic base that Dem Senators stand with them, are out fighting for core Dem beliefs. Instead we get the same old same old frightened retreat with too many Dems running scared that they might get tagged a "liberal" (oh horrors) or called names. When you react that way with bullies, you just get more of the same. As should be incredibly clear given the abandon with which the Rove spin machine has operated for many years now.

Sure Sen. Bingaman has done good things. I've supported him and voted for him since he ran for AG. But now we are in the fight of our lives for many of the things that are elemental to a democracy and I don't see him fighting, or even more important, LEADING or trying to educate and persuade voters. I see him taking the temperature of the Bush-programmed citizenry and taking the path of least resistant way too often.

It's also very disappointing that he would split with most Dems in supporting CAFTA and the bankruptcy bill. You start thinking, well, he's on the banking committee. He gets alot of money from the American Bankers Assn. Why is he voting for a bankruptcy bill that anyone who is anyone has critized as being flagrantly pro-corporate banking concerns. Hmmm. And so on.

Kerry is no hero to me. His expedient vote for the war and his dismal lack of backbone in his campaign were hardly stellar. But I will give any Dem props who gets the picture of what's going on now and risks some ACTION.

It's not enough anymore to vote on some good initiatives and negotiate for crumbs. We're in dire need of LEADERSHIP and BOLDNESS and CREATIVE TACTICS. Without those, we are sunk. Without those, I think millions more will drift away from the Dem Party and give up on voting entirely. And I'm not alone in thinking that.

I don't want Dems to lay themselves on the tracks to get trampled. I want them to stand up and fight for what they know is RIGHT and fire up the electorate by sticking to their guns. Rove portrays Dems as wimpy avoiders of confrontation. Caving on Alito just plays right into his framing. We need to raise a ruckus, not tip toe gingerly against this onslaught.

Posted by: barb | Jan 31, 2006 2:48:37 PM

Senator Binganan you Must step aside and allow other Democrats to run for your position. Democrats need a Leader not a Follower like you. Do the right thing and get out of the Race. Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jan 31, 2006 4:13:26 PM

I agree with Barb and others. We have to try something new, something creative, to stand up against these tyrants running our country.

Posted by: myopia | Jan 31, 2006 4:18:57 PM

J- you know we like and respect you. But i ask you - what is the latest thing senator B stood up for, really stood up for? Remind us here.

I do not understand the last two paragraphs of your post....are you saying the dems are not just taking a seat? and then the last paragraph that they are or are not lying on the tracks?? I read it that lying on the tracks is a bad thing and that is what I think our elected officials are doing.

I was listening to harry reid on the ed schultz show today. ES asked the question what happened to the filibuster vote. HR said, well we simply did not have the votes....now is that a simple ridiculous answer or what?? I just find it so hard to believe that there was not a strategy laid out in advance about how to fight an extreme nomination such as Alito.

It is truly yet another horrible thing, and will be for years and years to
come. Our poor children, a lifetime post for a relatively young man.

J - I must ask you....I am sure you do not support Alito? Why not filibuster just to have it recorded in the history of how this great democracy went to shit. All the future things that we will fight for he will rule against. That we know.

I am sorry to hear you do not agree on how important it was. You must admit the committee hearings for this supreme court judge were horrible. I blame Biden, and Kennedy and the rest on that committee. They were too busy hearing themselves talk. Grandstanding instead of revealing this man's true ways to the country.

anyways J....peace out
nice to read your thoughts
sincerely meb

Posted by: mary ellen | Jan 31, 2006 5:22:25 PM

Senator B. must be defeated. He is the worse kind of Democrat: a fence-sitting, two-faced, self-serving, pretend progressive. On Alito, he voted AGAINST cloture, thus helping to kill the filibuster, then voted 'no' on his confirmation. This is what weak and spineless politicians do to have it both ways. When it counted, the cloture vote, he didn't stand up for the country, the constitution, or the foundational principles of the Democratic Party; and to make it worse, he is trying to hide behind his meaningless 'no' vote, as though he is a pricipled defender of our freedoms. The cynicism of it sickens me. Who else is going to call him on this?

Posted by: alberto | Jan 31, 2006 6:04:20 PM

Senator Bingaman and the other DINO deserve all the criticism they are geting. Bingaman couldn't have been any more hypocritical when speaking against Alito on the Senate floor then voting yes on cloture. Bingaman and the party are going to have to make some real change if they want to continue getting my support.

Posted by: VP | Jan 31, 2006 10:52:27 PM

There are only two weeks - until February 14, as I understand - for someone to register to mount a primary challenge against Senator Bingaman. In this top-down state party, is anyone likely to step up and give us a choice?

Posted by: John McAndrew | Feb 1, 2006 9:10:16 AM

A bit late with my comments it is Wed.-but I want to recommend to all of you frustrated dems an article in the Huffington Post today-Wed.- by Cenk Uygur entitled LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE ALITO FIGHT. HE SAYS IT ALL-and this applies as well to our local grassroots groups. If we don't get better organized, communicate better-we will lose again when the next big issue comes up. If we can't do better locally how can we ever accomplish anything nationally. I hope Jeff Bingaman reads this article and our comments as well.

Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Feb 1, 2006 11:43:28 AM

That article by Uygur is really a MUST READ. Too bad our Democratic officials and strategists won't read it, eh?

Here's a link to it:

Lessons Learned from the Alito Fight

Posted by: barb | Feb 1, 2006 1:03:23 PM

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