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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Conservation Voters NM Endorses David Coss for Mayor of Santa Fe

From Conservation Voters New Mexico:
CVNM is pleased to announce its endorsement of David Coss for Mayor of Santa Fe.

“David Coss is a conservation champion who has demonstrated a commitment to protecting the qualities that make Santa Fe special,” said Sandy Buffett, Executive Director of CVNM. “We look forward to having a true conservationist as our next Mayor here in Santa Fe.”

As a city councilor and chair of the City’s Water Conservation Committee, David co-sponsored the ordinance requiring real estate developers to bring water rights to the community’s system before beginning new construction.  David also helped develop a long-range water plan for Santa Fe with emphasis on sustaining Santa Fe’s water supply sources for the next 100 years.

“I am so proud to have the support of such a leading environmental group. CVNM is a strong voice for protecting New Mexico’s natural environment and way of life,” commented Coss after being informed of his selection. He added “I hope to work with them closely as Mayor of Santa Fe.”

Conservation Voters New Mexico, a nonpartisan organization, works to protect New Mexico's natural environment and our cherished way of life. CVNM’s mission is to make sensible conservation policies a top priority for elected officials, political candidates, and voters across the state.

Sandy Buffett, Executive Director
Conservation Voters New Mexico
320 Aztec Street, Ste. B
Santa Fe, New Mexico  87501
tel:   505.992.8683   cell: 505.270.5743

Support CVNM's efforts to hold NM elected officials accountable for their environmental decisions and to elect a pro-conservation majority!!  https://www.cvnm.org

Editor's Note: David Coss has also been endorsed by the Democracy for America (DFA) Meetup group in Santa Fe.

January 17, 2006 at 04:04 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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