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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Alito Not a Done Deal: Call Sen. Bingaman

Editor's Note: Read this New York Times story on what many consider to be the weak and dispirited response of Democrats to the Samuel Alito nomination. Makes you angry, doesn't it? Have these politicos ever heard of educating the public or launching a many-pronged persuasive effort to communicate the incredible dangers posed by Alito and his dedication to expanding an already imperial presidency? Time to make a last ditch effort to convince our Senators that refusing to filibuster Alito paves the way for BushCo to continue their assault on the Constitution. Read Al Gore's speech if you need a refresher on what's at stake here.

From People for the American Way:
If you've been reading the papers, you know that some people are trying to make it look like no one's fighting Samuel Alito's nomination. Yesterday's New York Times quoted Steve Schmidt, who managed Alito's nomination for the White House: "The American people see Judge Alito and say, that's exactly the sort of person we want to see on the Supreme Court."

Does this Bush deputy speak for you? If not, you need to call Sen. Jeff Bingaman right now at (877) 851-6437.

Your activism may never matter more than it does TODAY. Tomorrow at lunch, Democratic senators will meet to decide their Alito strategy. Some senators seem to think you won’t mind if they fail to do everything possible to defeat Alito.

Tell Sen. Jeff Bingaman that you're counting on senators to do everything possible to defeat this nomination.

If there was ever any doubt that Alito's nomination is one of the most important showdowns for the progressive movement in a generation, Alito's testimony last week made it abundantly clear: If confirmed, Alito will likely condone the abuse of power by the president, vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, and help curtail Congress' ability to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the American people. (Visit https://www.SaveTheCourt.org/AlitoHearings to read our complete coverage.)

Tomorrow's meeting is about more than Alito's confirmation — it's about the future of the country. Don't let Sen. Jeff Bingaman  go into that meeting without hearing from you.

(877) 851-6437

Let us know how your call goes by visiting SaveTheCourt.org/CallReport

January 17, 2006 at 10:58 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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