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    Friday, January 20, 2006

    ACTION ALERT: Attend CD1's Dem Platform Hearing on 2/2

    Are you tired of hearing the Democratic Party doesn’t stand for anything?  Tired of reading news reports that say people don’t really like the Republicans but they don’t think the Democrats have anything to offer? Tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching the country go down the drain?

    Well here is your opportunity to do something about it.

    Jason Bousliman, our CD1 Vice Chair, is organizing a platform hearing on behalf of the State Democratic Party:

    Thursday, February 2nd
    5:30 - 7:30 PM
    UNM Law School, Albuquerque
    Room 2401
    Click for map: https://tinyurl.com/djdxu

    This is one of three platform hearings that are required by Democratic Party Rules and motions passed at the last State Central Committee Meeting. They are to be held in each of the three Congressional Districts across the state to get input from Democrats, just like you and me, on what the Party should stand for.  A new platform is being written and will be voted on at the Democratic Party Pre-Primary Convention on March 18 and your views can be part of it.

    PLEASE take the time to come to this very important hearing and let them know what you want the party to stand for.   

    Pass this on to everyone you know. Tell the Party what you think! Hope to see you all there.

    Members of our Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup will note that this event is scheduled for the first Thursday of the month, when we hold our monthly Meetup at the First Unitarian Church. For this month only we'll be suspending the regular Meetup and encouraging all Meetup members to instead attend the platform hearing and make their views known to the Democratic Party.

    For more information, email Barbara Wold or Dallas Timmons.

    January 20, 2006 at 11:55 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink


    Let's give them an earful.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jan 22, 2006 10:53:55 AM

    I hope we get a big turnout for this so that the powers can be can hear what rank and file Democrats and those who would be Democrats if Democrats had a spine believe. Too bad the party won't do anything to help put these events on. Shows what they think is important and what is not important to them. #1 cause for them: getting big donations from lobbyists, oil companies, gas companies and HMOs according to today's paper.

    Posted by: Another Prog | Jan 23, 2006 11:36:41 AM

    yes, we all should do what we can to get people out to attend this. This is our chance, we do not have the big bucks the lobby whores have...so we have to go with our voices.

    With the latest crap being said in the paper and beyond that the lobbyists really do not get special favors from the legislators...makes me so disgusted that the powers to be think we are that stupid. Why don't they just admit it?

    Posted by: mary ellen | Jan 23, 2006 11:46:54 AM

    The powers that be are just waiting for us to fail, after making sure not to offer any real help. Talk about transparent bad intent. Why have they scheduled other meetings on the day before the Pre-Primary Convention instead of the platform meeting? So clear they could care less what ordinary Democrats believe.

    This Party is a mess.

    Posted by: Anon. | Jan 23, 2006 5:47:59 PM

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