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Monday, December 05, 2005

Why Did Gov. Richardson Cancel His DNC Speech?

I came across this item this today on the HotLineBlog :

PHOENIX -- NM Gov. Bill Richardson, chair of the DGA and one of the first speakers to commit to address the DNC's fall meeting in Phoenix this weekend, abruptly canceled his Saturday morning speech last night.

A DNC spokesperson said he didn't know the reason for Richardson's change of plans.

Richardson's cancellation upset several Dems, who were looking forward to the possible 08er's comments on topics ranging from Iraq to the growth of the Hispanic community.

"I heard he canceled as soon as he found out C-SPAN wasn't coming," grumbled one disenchanted Dem. [JOHN MERCURIO]

Update: Richardson spokesperson Billy Sparks simply said that "scheduling problems prohibited the Governor from attending" and, even when pressed, would not elaborate on those conflicts.

Strange, to say the least. You have to wonder if this has any connection with the fact that we still don't really know why DNC Chair Howard Dean didn't speak at the recent Democratic Party of New Mexico State Central Committee meeting, despite an earlier announcement that he would be there.

Scheduling problems on both of these, or something else?

December 5, 2005 at 03:11 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


Curiouser and curiouser.

Posted by: IzzyL | Dec 5, 2005 5:23:54 PM

I don't get it. How does he expect to get support for his prez run if he doesn't show up at these kinds of Party events?

Posted by: El Norte | Dec 5, 2005 6:16:13 PM

Hasn't he said he doesn't need the party to win?

Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 6, 2005 8:57:53 AM

no urgency. as usual.
hey gov.....the country is at war.
going into debt like there is no tomorrow.
How can you not show up to this event.
Me as a citizen wants to know.
You do not show up at your state central committee meeting. Where are you, why dont you want to hear the people?

Posted by: meb | Dec 6, 2005 2:40:12 PM

I see that he has time to organize and attend a fancy fundraiser in TEXAS of all places though. Why would someone running for governor of New Mexico need or want big bucks from Texans?

Posted by: Anonymous | Dec 7, 2005 10:33:10 AM

Democrats need to question Richardson true motives. The New Mexico Democratic Party does not belong to the Democrat's it belong's to Richardson and his Choosen Few (35% known as Regular's) and the remainding 65% of the Democrat's are known by Richardson as Irrelevant. In my opinion Richardson is for Richardson and in reality is running for President using the Governor's race in 2006 as boost to further his Ego Centric Motives. Richardson has also used Hard Working New Mexico Taxpayer's Dollar's to further his quest for President. It is time for the "so-called Irrelevant Democrat to standup to Richardson and question the Process. New Mexican's deserve better; Richardson must be defeaded in 2006. Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Dec 27, 2005 7:27:15 PM

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