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    Tuesday, December 06, 2005

    Update: Press Conference at Bernalillo County Clerk's Office

    Editor's Note: This is a follow-up on our previous post about efforts to encourage County Clerks to purchase AutoMark voting machines instead of touch screen machines to serve disabled voters. If you attended last week's DFA-DFNM Albuquerque Meetup, you'll remember Letitia Montoya, a candidate for Secretary of state who showed up yesterday in support of Verified Voting NM's efforts.

    From Paul Stokes of Verified Voting NM:
    We had about 60 terrific people in Albuquerque yesterday at the press conference. KUNM, the Albuquerque Journal, and Alibi were there from the press, and Channel 7 interviewed us, but they were really there for the city council meeting. Several of us "regular rabble-rousers" spoke and Letitia Montoya, candidate for Secretary of State, gave a nice statement of support.

    When we got to Mary Herrera's office, she was gone and the office was locked up, so we slid letters to her under the door. However, the Bureau of Elections was still open, and we assembled there. Jeff Carbajal told us that Mary Herrera would not make an announcement until tomorrow, and that they were still working hard considering candidate machines to buy. The discussion was amicable, but the outcome uncertain and -- well, we'll see.

    Thanks to everyone who participated. Whether we win or lose this battle, with enthusiasm like yours, we will win the war.

    December 6, 2005 at 12:13 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


    Too bad these county clerks seem to think they don't have any responsibility to meet with citizens. Very pleased to see Letitia Montoya, candidate for SOS, was there. She's on our side.

    Posted by: RJ | Dec 6, 2005 2:32:51 PM

    I met Letitia at some other event and she will get my vote for Sec State. Not Herrerra, not ever.

    Posted by: Enviro | Dec 6, 2005 3:53:55 PM

    Mary Herrera has had an honest job for several years. She has been an excellent Public Servant.
    She is honest and capable of winning elections.

    Posted by: Eric "Edge" Scott | Dec 15, 2005 3:12:18 PM

    Sorry that second "honest" should have been "truthful".

    Posted by: Eric "Edge" Scott | Dec 15, 2005 3:16:59 PM

    Mary Herrera has had an honest job for many years. She has been a superior public servant. She is truthful and has the ability to win an election.

    Posted by: Eric Scott | Dec 16, 2005 4:53:26 AM

    Paul Stokes, it is always a wise idea to check candidate's criminal history(s) before accidentally endorsing them! To my knowledge, Stephanie Gonzalez, Shirley Hooper and Mary Herrera (all candidates for Secretary of State) have no criminal backgrounds. One good resource for learning about candidate's criminal convictions is www.nmcourts.com.

    Posted by: Eric Scott | Dec 29, 2005 6:23:53 AM

    Mary Herrera has been very unworkable and almost dishonest in her dealings about the voting machines. It's obvious she doesn't want to hear the people or work with them. She stubbornly sticks to her opinion regardless of evidence to the contrary. Not only that, she's not very bright, you might say.

    My vote will go to Letitia Montoya. She's the only one who is open to citizens and has made a real effort to talk with them. The rest seem to spend all their time with bigshots or away from the public. Time to stop rewarding that behavior.

    Posted by: IzzyL | Dec 29, 2005 12:31:16 PM

    I like the fact the Mary Herrera will never have to lie about criminal convictions because she doesn't have any. Liars are a drain on the political system, one must question why they would run and lose for over nine years unless of course it is to make a living off campaign contributions.

    I remember when Senator Maes and his family were being stalked by a liar. His wife ended up having to go to court to stop it. Poor thing, people going through her trash, the Senator being left threatening notes on his desk at the Senate, and then to arrive home from Church only to find a perp on there property. I hope this doesn't happen to legitimate candidates Mary Herrera, Stephanie Gonzales, or Shirley Hooper.

    Posted by: E Scott | Dec 30, 2005 4:52:21 AM

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