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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday (Sunny) Bird Blogging


We finally got some photos of the newest addition to our bird family. Sunny is a baby sun conure who moved in with us a couple weeks ago. Above, he's sitting on his play gym, where he likes to hang out during the day when he's not in his cage. The playground is on a cart with wheels so we can roll him around the house, which he really seems to enjoy. Sun conures are nosy.


He (or is it she?) is so young he still has many of his gray, downy baby feathers (see above and below) that have yet to be replaced by adult plumage. Eventually all that gray will be bright orange, yellow and green. As Sunny ages, his plumage will change again, adding more yellow and orange to replace many of the green feathers.


Sunny was the first name that came to us for him. Of late, we find ourselves calling him Groucho, Grumpy or Mr. Magoo as well, depending on his mood. Once he starts displaying more of his personality, that may change again.


He's a handful and will take much patience, attention and training before he trust and bonds with his new humans. So far, only Mary Ellen has been working with him directly, teaching him to "step up" onto sticks and her fingers and holding him against her body with a towel while petting his head and breast so he becomes accustomed to her scent. She's got a couple bite marks on her fingers to show for it. Squawk! Once he gets more comfortable with her, I'll join the training regime too.

Each day he exhibits more trust for us, a growing sense of curiosity and more willingness to interact in a friendly manner. Sun conures live 20-25 years and once they're bonded with you, they have a reputation for being highly intelligent, fun-loving and cuddly. We'll keep you posted. (Click on photos for larger images.)

December 4, 2005 at 01:12 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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