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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Update: Coss for Mayor of Santa Fe

Editor's Note: The Santa Fe DFA Meetup group has endorsed David Coss for Mayor of Santa Fe.

From David Coss for Mayor:

Help Us with the Campaign Kickoff December 10th,  1:00 - 3:00 PM: We will be celebrating our hard work thus far, thanking our volunteers (in particular the Coffee with Coss hosts, who are opening their homes to us), marking the kickoff of the next phase of the campaign and talking about how David will make Santa Fe a city that works for all of us. Please join us at David and Carol Rose’s home, 2014 Otowi Road, just off Osage (the extension of St. Michaels Drive) in Casa Alegre.

Neighborhood Blitz,  Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and 4th: In preparation for the Campaign Kickoff, we will walking in David's neighborhood on Saturday, Dec. 3rd from 9 AM - 1 PM and again on Sunday, Dec. 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 PM.  We will be inviting his neighbors to the campaign kick-off and talking with them about his campaign. In addition, a small group will canvass independently during the afternoon and evening of the following Monday, December 5th. We will need lots of canvassers out on both Saturday and Sunday in order to meet our goal. Please join us!  Call or email Becky Lo Dolce at 820-0037 or thebeck_star@yahoo.com if you can help.

An Evening with David in Eldorado, Friday, Dec. 16th, 7 - 8:30 PM: If you live in Eldorado or know many people in Eldorado and would like to help with invitations to an evening with David at the Eldorado Community Center, please contact Diane Quarles at 466-2545 or dtquarles@comcast.net.  Thank you, Diane, for all your help!

Let us know how you would like to get involved! If you haven’t filled out a volunteer form at a Coffee or at another event, please go to our volunteer page and let us know what specific tasks you might like to help with. We welcome you to help as much as you are able!

December 1, 2005 at 09:47 AM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Santa Fe | Permalink | Comments (0)