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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Q & A With Patricia Madrid at Next DFA-DFNM Meetup


NM Attorney General Patricia Madrid will be speaking to our group and answering questions at the next DFA-DFNM Meetup on Thursday, January 5th, at 7:00 PM at the First Unitarian Church Social Hall at Carlisle and Comanche in Albuquerque. Click to join our Meetup group or RSVP.

As you surely know by now, Madrid will be challenging Rep. Heather Wilson for the CD1 seat in 2006. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post ranks the competitiveness of this race ninth in the nation and says this will be Heather's "toughest race since she claimed the seat in a 1998 special election."

The 2005 campaign fundraising filing period ends on December 31 and Madrid's campaign would like to see a strong showing to demonstrate that thousands of New Mexicans are willing to step up and support her challenge to the awful policies of Bush and his rubberstamp, Heather Wilson. You can make an online donation right now at her new website.

Heather Wilson is nothing more than an enabler for the radical agenda of the Bush/Cheney/DeLay machine. She voted for them and time and again she votes with them on legislation that puts the interests of wealthy elites ahead of the people. This may be our last and best chance to stop her before she becomes SENATOR Heather Wilson! Let's get involved.

MoveOn is already targeting the race with a tv ad criticizing Wilson's position on the Iraq War. In MoveOn's recent petition campaign demanding an Iraq exit strategy and timeline, Wilson's office was presented with 2500 signatures, the most of any candidate targeted. Her response? According to the Albuquerque Journal, another parroting of the BushCo line: "As the Iraqis stand up, we can stand down." Wilson spokesman Joel Hannahs dismissed MoveOn.org's effort as that of a "left-wing" political group. We know where Wilson stands.

On the other hand, Madrid is advocating establishment of a definite, clear timeline for troop withdrawal that begins bringing our men and women serving in Iraq home by December 2006. She's also taking strong positions on healthcare, prescription drugs, tax policy and government reform. We're excited that we'll have a chance at Meetup to get detailed answers directly from Attorney General Madrid about her views on these and other issues like election reform.

Contribute a few bucks at her website before the end-of-year deadline and then come on down to our Meetup on Thursday, January 5th and take advantage of an excellent opportunity to meet the candidate and find out face-to-face what she stands for. A large attendance will demonstrate that Madrid's early reachout to the progressive community is much appreciated. Hope to see you there.

December 28, 2005 at 01:09 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Local Politics, MeetUp | Permalink


I've looked at her web site, and her fund raising email, and one (the only?) fundraising letter. I've read a lot of words, but one word was suprisingly absent:


She never identifies herself as a Democrat. In a district in which registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by some 30 or 40 thousand voters, I find this suprising. I'd like to ask her why.

Posted by: Michael H Schneider | Dec 28, 2005 6:22:57 PM

Madrid and Richardson are the Same, they are only Democrats during the Election Cycle. Richardson Control's the New Mexico Democratic Party and Madrid is part of the "Regulars" (35% of NMDP) whom dictate and choose whom they want to participate within the Democratic Party. The Remaining 65% of the Democrats (which I was part of) are Known as "Irrelevant's" and have no voice within the Party. Hundreds of Democrat's are leaving the Party to become Independent's because of the Richardson's Control, and Madrid has never stoodup to Richardson's to Protest Richardson's Action's. Example: The State Democratic Convention 2004 when Richardson endorsed his "Boy" Richard Romero with a Signed Document advising the State Democratic Delegates whom he wanted to Run against Wilson in the General Election. Richardson's Controlling Action resulted in the by- pass of other Congressional Candidates. Since Richardson controlled the State Democratic Party Convention in 2004, Richardson and selected whom he wanted to run for Federal and State Office's Richardson pinned Democrat against Democrat. Where was Madrid when Richardson selected his choosen few Candidates? Leads me to believe that Madrid is controlled by Richardson or is "Gut Less" and could careless about the "Irrelevant Democratic Candidates" or the "Irrelevant Democrat" (the 65%). During the 2004 State Convention, there were State Supreme Court Justices, Congressmen, Sec. of State, former Ambassador, and other Elected Officials that showed their true Colors by not standing up for the Irrelevant Democrat. Why did Madrid Shelf a New Mexico State Police Investigation on the New Mexico State Tresurers Office in 1999? According to the Media, Madrid called the Criminial Complaint to Political. Has Madrid stoodup to Richardson for the purchase of the New Jet? It appears that Madrid did nothing because Richardson has his New Jet while New Mexico Battered Women and Children continue to be turned away from Shelters. Does Madrid agree with the Basic Principles of the Democratic Party in regards to Choice? Or is Madrid going along with Richardson's latest statement calling the Democratic Party a Party of "abortionist" (Richardson was quoted in Denver at a meeting with Denver Post Editor's and Writer's). Is Madrid for "Big Money Lobbist" whom control the both political parties? In my opinion, neither party act as a faithful mediator between citizens and the government nor as a forum for policy debate and resolution nor even as a structure around which political power can accumulate. Both parties function (s) mainly as a MAIL DROP for POLITICAL Money which has destroyed our political system; which has lead our political leaders towards Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. Heather Wilson has control and access to the Big Money because of her intimate relationship with lobbyists and interests. If the Democratic party began to act like a real political party, the BIG MONEY would be cut off. It is time to clean house in Santa Fe and Washington, D.C. and rid of Rampant Cronyism and Corruption. Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Dec 28, 2005 10:24:21 PM

Unfortunately, I'm in the odious Steve Pearce's district and can't vote for Madrid, but, I think Eli Chavez's comments are terribly ill informed.

Patricia Madrid is independent of the Richardson political machine and his influence. She's sparred with him on many occassions. Remember the poorly written DWI legislation in 2004? Or, her spats with the Gov's #2, LG Denish?

Look, just because Madrid doesn't spar with Richardson 100% of the time, doesn't mean she's his lap dog -- she's far from it. She's a independent of Richardson and she's a fighter who is taking bold, progressive positions that our community should be proud of.

Posted by: Southern NM Dem | Dec 29, 2005 10:06:25 AM

Taking “ bold, progressive positions” is good, but I don’t think that’ll win the election. Voters don’t make a rational choice of which candidates to buy, based on their positions. Voters choose the candidate they want to be identified with and by, the way they choose cars. Just as urbanites buy Hummers, voters choose a candidate with little regard for how their positions actually impact voters’ lives.

Yet Madrid seems to selling herself as if Ron Popiel were her campaign manager. Look at the “bio” on her web site. It’s in the third person, as if it were describing an inanimate product: “get the new Madrid-O-matic, it slices and dices and opposes the war in Iraq!”

In contrast, Republicans say “we are good people, we favor life and faith and good things - join us and be a good person too”.

That bio says “Madrid” (3d person) 20 times. It says “we” 6 times - and most of those times the “we” doesn’t really include the reader. This sets the candidate and the campaign apart from the voter and reader.

Recruiting supporters, rather than selling the candidate’s positions, is the way to win the election. That means getting voters to invest their time and energy - their identity - in the campaign. That means raising money shouldn’t be the sole focus of the web site or the campaign; if people have already invested their self, money will follow. That means recruiting and engaging volunteers as meaningful participants, rather than depending on advertising.

Identifying as a Democrat (and thus a good person) to voters who identify themselves as Democrats (and who know they are good people) is an obvious way to start.

Posted by: michael H Schneider | Dec 29, 2005 12:06:14 PM

Obviously the website is not completed yet and I think some of these suggestions are useful ones. Mr. Chavez, however, provides the same rant he does on almost every NM blog. It would help his credibility if he could use proper grammar, spelling and logic, wouldn't it?

Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 29, 2005 12:25:03 PM

Isn't Madrid doing what Michael recommends? Reaching out to gain supporters from among active Dems? It's early in the election cycle and yet she's reach out and opening up to questions. I think that's exactly what she should be doing at this point.

Posted by: I Vote | Dec 29, 2005 12:42:04 PM

That's the one thing that troubles me about Madrid's candidacy. How can she push the angle about corruption when it seems she hasn't taken a very active stand here in NM with things that came up about the treasurer's office and Mayor Chavez's ABQ PAC?

It may well be that she didn't have the resources to pursue these crimes, but I know Republicans will be pushing this line. What will be her response?

Posted by: suisselin | Dec 29, 2005 1:32:34 PM

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