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Friday, December 09, 2005
Let Joe Know
From Jim Dean at Democracy for America:
Earlier this week while discussing the war in Iraq, Senator Joseph Lieberman said, "It's time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge he'll be commander-in-chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine presidential credibility at our nation's peril."
Unfortunately, President Bush has no credibility. His administration misled our nation into the war in Iraq on trumped-up charges of weapons of mass destruction. His "stay the course" strategy has led to over 2,100 American deaths. And no one sees an end in sight.
It is disturbing enough that Senator Lieberman remains one of the president's biggest cheerleaders. But his call for opponents of the president's failed policy to keep quiet is outrageous.
The only way we will end this war is by having an honest debate about how and when we can bring our troops home.
Join me in sending Senator Lieberman an open letter asking him to join the majority of Americans in questioning the Bush administration's Iraq policy:
If Americans don't challenge a president who is bankrupting our treasury, damaging our moral leadership in the world, and jeopardizing our national security then we are failing our democracy.
Please co-sign the letter today. Next week, I'll join Democracy for America members in Connecticut and deliver our letter with your comments to Senator Lieberman's office.
December 9, 2005 at 08:00 AM in Democratic Party, DFA, Iraq War | Permalink
Should we also do a letter to Hillary Clinton for cosponsoring that absurd anti-flag burning bill? These supposed Democrats can't line up behind the neocons and rightwing nuts fast enough. Shameful.
Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 9, 2005 9:13:38 AM
I got a solicitation from Hillary in the mail the other day. I wrote on it that I would not support her, and sent it back. The war and the flag, she seems to get some comfort wrapping herself in that. Long, cold winter, babe.
Posted by: Barbara | Dec 9, 2005 10:13:19 AM
Yeah, I got one too. With a bumpersticker and a window sign. I'm sending mine back with a note too. She really has lost her way. Talk about expedient. The polar opposite of a Democrat with a spine.
Posted by: barb | Dec 9, 2005 12:51:05 PM
Hilary does seem to be the picture of pandering lately. But no matter what you think about Lieberman's positions on the war or anything else he's at least a man of strong principle. You might disagree with him, and I do often, but I remember during the primary he was getting ripped apart but he never pandared or switched positions. It's the one thing him and Dean had in common - they said what they believed and stuck with it. All too rare in politics today.
Posted by: | Dec 9, 2005 2:56:22 PM