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    Monday, December 19, 2005

    High Tech Explosives Stolen in NM

    ABC News reports that ATF agents are investigating the theft of 400 pounds of powerful explosives and 2500 detonators from Cherry Enginering, a company owned by Chris Cherry, for decades the senior explosives scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. Not good news.

    UPDATES: Here's a 12/20/05 update on this story by ABC News. This story states the explosives theft was one of the largest in recent history, that the buildings where it took place just Southwest of Albuquerque did not have surveillance cameras or security guards in place and that the robbery was the second over the past two years at the location. The thieves apparently used blowtorches to access the storage trailers. The amount of stolen explosives would be enough to match the bomb that destroyed the Oklahoma City federal building. The Santa Fe New Mexican also provides additional details on the crime.

    Here's a 12/21/05 update in the Albuquerque Tribune that describes hightened security in Albuquerque as a result of the theft.

    December 19, 2005 at 03:14 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    How, in this era of "homeland security" can something like this go unguarded? Another thing is why is someone like this guy allowed to make money on this stuff while still being an employee of sandia labs?

    Posted by: RC | Dec 21, 2005 10:06:28 AM

    boggles the mind. really proves what a sham it all is. all that evil killing stuff right here, in a bern. co. holding area. What is bern. county doing holding it, or having anything to do with it. f'in nuts

    Posted by: mary ellen | Dec 21, 2005 5:34:26 PM

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