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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dean, the DNC and DPNM Activism

The DNC held their Fall Meeting this weekend in Phoenix. An article in the Washington Post provides a rundown. Excerpts:

Displaying the fiery style that excited many Democrats during his unsuccessful presidential campaign, Dean attacked "political hacks and cronies" of the president for eroding civil rights and voting rights protections, and said of Republicans: "Theirs is a party of self-absorption and selfishness."

. . . We're doing the things that need to be done, but we have a long way to go," he said. "The collapse of confidence in the Republican leadership is not enough to elect Democratic leadership. We have to stand up for what we believe."

. . . [Dean] won near-universal praise among the DNC and state party leaders who gathered here this weekend, saying his emphasis on grass-roots organization was a welcome change from the past. Dean built his campaign for chairman by courting state party leaders, and many said this weekend that he had delivered on his promise to shift money and resources into their states. They defended the money he has spent by saying it represents an investment in party-building in places long ignored by the national party.

Deanphx_1 My DD also has coverage of the DNC Fall Meeting. See Pulling Back the Curtain: Your DNC and The DNC Meeting, Part I (which includes praise for one of our new DPNM field organizers hired by the DNC, Anathea Chino, who will be working with our Native American populations), Part II and Part III.

My take on what this means for the NM Dem Party? It depends on what "grassroots organization" and "Party building" mean to them.  We have yet to hear any detailed plans on what our four new DNC-funded field organizers will be doing between now and the 2006 election. We have yet to see any of them show up at grassroots meetings. I don't know anyone from our grassroots Democratic community who has been contacted by any of them. What will be their goals, their plans, their strategies and tactics? How will they interact with grassroots activists who hold SCC seats, who serve ward and precinct chairs and who populate the rank and file of Democrats in the state? What will they be doing on a day-to-day basis, and what will they need our help with? We don't know yet.

Let's hope they have a better appreciation of grassroots activism, organization and outreach than does our State Party Chair. As we've discussed previously, John Wertheim's conduct at the recent State Central Committee meeting was incredibly disrespectful of the grassroots and our proposals for reactivating long-dormant elements of the Party. This, despite strong support from the majority of SCC members, as was evident by the motions that won passage. Instead of embracing efforts to strengthen the Party, however, the Chairman seems stubbornly and almost irrationally negative towards almost every suggestion we attempt to raise. What is he afraid of?

We keep hearing the question, "What do the grassroots activists want?" It's no secret. It should be perfectly clear from the suggestions we made at the SCC meeting. These aren't radical proposals. They're not even "progressive" proposals. They're plain old Democrat proposals. They consist primarily of asking Party officials to follow the rules laid out in Party bylaws, to reach out more, to be more proactive, to build on past achievements, to rebuild and revamp for maximum effectiveness, to be more accountable and transparent.

We want more outreach to neglected Democratic populations, using the bylaw requirements as a starting point for developing an effective affirmative action program. We want the Party to actively be pursuing an expansion of Democratic voters and participants, especially in areas long neglected and seldom visited.

We want the resolutions and platform process laid out in the rules to be activated and reinvigorated. We want Democrats all over New Mexico to have a chance to be heard so our candidates can gain a clear and realistic picture of what we believe in.

We want the State Central Committee to be treated as defined in Party bylaws: as the supreme governing body of the Party, with clear responsibilities regarding budget and spending that require the provision of adequate financial information from Party staff and officers.

We want the Party rules to be considered and improved to make them more democratic and inclusive.

Is this asking too much? We don't think so, and we know from our interactions with other SCC members around that state that they don't think so either. Now is the time embrace all the energy and activism and ideas that are springing up among Democrats here and around the nation and put them to work, not push them away. Why would anyone concerned about the future of our Party do otherwise?

December 6, 2005 at 12:14 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


I have been amazed at this groups ability to consistantly nitpick at the governor, the party, and fellow democrats. I have yet to see any real solutions come out of this blog, nor have I seen any relevant attempt to reach out to moderate democrats who are more in tune with the average americans.
I mean this past weekend here in Bernalillo County the R's elected Fernando Cde Baca as thier chair, who like Ken Zangara before him has been indicted for fraud and convicted. The R's in this county now have a convicted felon running their organization. Where is Marvin on this? Where were we to point that out? I mean we were all ringing Robert Vigil's phone off the hook what about us askin the R's to do the same with Delay, CdeBaca, Frist, and others that they have in their closets.

Posted by: Miguel | Dec 6, 2005 4:12:46 PM

Nitpick. No real solutions!

What we want is action - the same kind of action that is being requested by you in this post above. What most of the "nit picking" expressed by people who blog here is asking for is that dems with leadership positions take some action. Step up to the plate as you are suggesting Marvin do, and tell it like it is. In the most recent words of Dean " we are the party of honesty." If you re-read some of the old threads you might be enlightened to what the people blogging on this site are suggesting and are acting on as much as can be done while every dem power in the state is pushing back at you.

Is it truly radical to ask for my democratic party to provide me as an SCC member with a past financial report and a proposed budget for the coming year??? Is it unreasonable to ask for the leadership to establish a platform with the people of the state and ask our officials that will be working for us and us working for them to adopt it??? Is it unreasonable for us to ask the chairman of the state to follow the affirmative action plan that is laid out in detail in the rules??

Miquel this is what we are asking for....if this is radical and outside the mainstream, it is a sad day. Have you ever thought maybe this is why the dems keep losing? Who wants to give to a party that has no accountability, who wants to cast a vote for someone who will not champion our platform? What is wrong with reach out to other parts of this very diverse minority state??

In my opinion my Country is in dire straits. I will do what it takes to have more people vote, and not to hear the dems are just like the R you mention above. Have you not heard Miquel, "why vote the two are the same?" I am a moderate democrat, and I want more average americans voting for good honest democratic candidates. Candidates that can lead this Country out of the horrible mess we find ourselves in.
One more question Miguel - maybe you would like to share with us your experience and successful attempts to reaching out to average american's? I am curious by your post here what solutions have worked for you? Please share them with us.

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Dec 6, 2005 5:04:43 PM

I guess Miguel wants cheerleaders, not people who want to make things better. I guess it's awful to expect honesty, responsibility, energy and reach out from party leaders. Better that we all keep quiet and give money and knock on doors and do phoning and just shut up. I wonder how many doors Miguel has knocked on. If he would do some he'd know people trust local dem candidates not much more than they trust republicans.

Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 6, 2005 5:21:22 PM

I've been reading this blog and going to events for a long time. There have been tons of positive ideas and solutions expressed to solve the very real problems we face as dems. Many of these people have gotten involved as precinct and ward chairs, SCC members and volunteers in many campaigns and for the party. It is the duty of people doing these tasks to suggest ways to do the real work of the party better. We want to do better, so why is this nitpicking?

As for being more in touch with "moderate Americans" maybe Miguel should check out recent polls. The majority of the people agree with us.

Posted by: Auditbear | Dec 6, 2005 5:32:07 PM

What's up with Richardson? He cancels his speeches at the DNC and the state party meeting and is now in Texas raising large wads of money for his run for governor? Priorities.

Posted by: IzzyL | Dec 7, 2005 8:38:16 AM

I'm wondering what Miguel finds on this site that would be unacceptable to "moderate" Democrats? Would it be the materiasl on the Iraq War that express opinions that now represent the views of the majorities of Americans? The items about equal economic and legal justice for all? The calls for more vigorous Party building? The push for accurate voting machines and fair election practices? Forgive me, but I think most of the positions expressed on this site represent core Democratic Party principles.

Posted by: barb | Dec 7, 2005 10:31:24 AM

I'm a "moderate" Democrat and I agree 100% that Wertheim and the Party need to get crackin.

Posted by: Socorro | Dec 7, 2005 11:29:47 AM

Im recently back in the state after doing some non-profit work in Florida. I have been following the DPNM debate with some interest having been Deans 2nd Congressional District Coordinator. In reference to your question about the work of the new orginizers..There job is going to be gargantuan. I applied for the south east postion and was told that funding didn't come through for all the slots the state hoped for. This means that one organizer will be responsible for the entire eastern half of the state. I can tell you from experience that will never be possible without a strong effort from grassroots already positioned in these communities. Unless serious funding is dedicated to these rural counties the democratic party will continue to atrophy in these areas.

Posted by: Arn Andrews | Dec 7, 2005 12:00:53 PM

I hope that Miguel is the only one who still doesn't get it. Following the lead of the people directing the state and national democratic parties have cost us two presidential elections, or weren't you one of those who put hundreds and hundreds of hours to follow the stupid directives sent down from "above".

I will go door to door as soon as the state democratic party has printed a platform that contains the ideas and values as stated by the resolutions that were brought before and passed at the April and November SCC meetings. These are core democratic values and they are what I believe AND what I can campaign on. If a candidate cannot get behind getting out of Iraq or a living wage or universal health care than that is not a democratic candidate.

I am ready to start campaigning for the 2006 election, and we all need to start NOW. The question is: When will the state party print up literature that we can leave behind? The republican party is falling apart, can there be a better time than this to campaign?

Get off your butt Miguel. Bring some ideas, put in some time, lets save our country.


Posted by: Terry Riley | Dec 7, 2005 12:13:55 PM

I don't know whether the state chair reads this blog but if he does I have some questions to ask him. Why don't we have a state party blog? When can members of the SCC get a copy of the platform resolutions? I have been asked by at least a dozen folks about this and have no answer to give them? Why isn't the state-AND the county protesting the purhase of touch tone voting machines? Is there any plan to help the organizer in the eastern part of the state where the most work needs to be done/? Why should this website be the only open means of communication for democrats who have tremendous energy to work for change-and then, I might add, be constantly critized for "saying it all wrong?" I And Miguel, how about you join the group who will be going to the roundhouse on the 14th (is this the right date Terry?) to be heard on election reform. This would be an opportunity for you to dialogue with some of the most active democrats as well as with legislators. And I am confused why the governor is raising money in TEXAS for a campaign in NM . Am I naive?

Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Dec 7, 2005 1:31:19 PM

Here's an idea for what a grassroots effort would look like to me. How about if the State Chair and County Chairs call meetings of the Ward Chairs and Precinct Chairs to develop a pledge for all these Chairs to take, meaning a pledge that contains the standards of their positions--what exactly they will do to continue to be a Chair, and an agreement to resign if those standards are not met. I would suggest that Ward Chairs and Precinct Chairs need to meet with each other at least once a quarter, and with the Democrats in their Wards and/or Precincts at least once a month to talk about issues and keep people engaged and in touch.

As for the State and County Chairs, seems to me they should be required to make sure that all Ward Chair and Precinct Chair positions are actually filled, by activist Dems., not just warm bodies. If you have a Ward or Precinct Chair who is not active, he or she should be paid a personal visit by the County Chair and a representative group of Ward or Precinct Chairs to find out what's keeping them from being active and to arrange a replacement if the inactivity can't be fixed.

I'm convinced that grassroots organizing requires face-to-face interaction on a regular basis. The R's seem to be doing this on a weekly basis by having invaded churches. The very least we need to do is meet monthly.

Posted by: Anne | Dec 8, 2005 4:36:57 PM

Mary Ellen, I want to thank you for elaborating on my simple statements. Which had nothing to do with the actual posts concerning the matters you brought up. But since you did. I agree with every statement that you have made regarding this organizations requests to have information provided to the SCC membership. I don’t think that is radical in anyway. I do however wish that members of this organization would actually use the SCC and County Chairs to demand this information. Which is their right under the bylaws? All we need to do is get a majority of the members. I also agree that you do have an uphill battle in getting answers, especially since you have a chair that creates his own rules and we blindly pass them. I know about “dem power” pushing back at you, I had to deal with it for many years and often at times through defamation of my own character, but I persevered because I stood my ground like many of you are, I learned the rules of the party and used them to fight the powers that be, and when they tried to change them I called them out on it every single time “rules for me, and those for everyone else”.
I am successful in reaching out to everyday Americans by: One, not reading these blogs everyday and actually speaking with everyday people and discussing their problems, yes they know I am a democratic activist and I have earned their trust in dealing with what are sometimes the most basic of issues i.e. paving a road or getting their garbage picked up., but that allows me to contact them and discuss with them the other issues that I see revolving around our community.
Second: It is through these conversations that I then meet with other democratic activists and share these experiences because we as activists don’t have a titles, are not an elected officials, we are individuals who understands the mechanisms of government and politics and use them to help others. It is through these conversations that we develop our message for our community and work with our elected officials to ensure that some part of that message is incorporated into the campaigns.
Many times we as local activists have attempted to share this information with the national campaigns that breeze through our community, and we are always met with the same resistance the same condescending attitudes that have lost those national campaigns over the past ten years. Often because the information gathered isn’t scientific and didn’t cost us thousands of dollars to do, it just cost us time in being involved in our communities and listening. It is through these tactics that we have been successful locally, yet I am always amazed that in this state the majority of local elected officials ranging from the city councils, school boards, county commissions, village councils, and state legislators are democrats, but we as democrats often beat ourselves cause nationally run campaigns fail here. What is it that these local elected officials are saying that is resonating with voters and how can we use it to win the national campaigns?
We can do better than the national campaigns. I believe that this is the intent of Chairman Howard Dean, but after attending the DNC meeting this past week and talking with many of the DNC staff, I have come to realize that there is not a message or direction other to “organize”. I believe that we as activists have to possibly come to the realization that the solutions do not lie within the party structure or within us as activists but rather in the voices and concerns of our neighbors and friends.
It is not my intent to cause any turmoil or negativity, but I often think that through these blogs we often miss the real reason we do blog, in hopes that someone is looking for information and will find it within themselves to become democrats, vote democrat, and get involved in democratic activism as we have. Let’s face it Democrats and Republicans are the same, in the sense that they are both trying to do what they believe is best for the country which in this simple statement is a great idea political parties doing what is best for all Americans, but where we do differ is how we try to get it done.
Response to Old Dem:
No cheerleaders, just leaders. 10,493 doors knocked on to date! How about you “Old” dem?
Response to AuditBear:
Recent polls have shown nothing in regards to the issues that most Americans really care about other than the pollster questions that called that night.
Response to Barb:
Thanks for your questions Barb, actually I didn’t say that there was anything unacceptable, but rather nothing at all that moderate democrats could actually see as non-progressive. The materials regarding Iraq are informative, the items regarding economic and legal justice for all seems to be just one of the many catch phrases and information that real people have a hard time dealing with or even caring about. I have no problem with calls for party building but I haven’t seen anything but here but every time the party leadership puts a brick down to start building we get upset and ask them to change the floor plan. Accurate voting machines and fair election practices? Great, how about practicing electors first! No need for forgiveness, just hoping that I too can express my concerns as you have here.
Response to Terry:
See above.
Response to Jeanne:
Would love to attend December 14 meeting, just that I have to work and I have already contacted my local elected officials regarding the matter. Problem with this is that all of these matters could be resolved if the House Chairman of Elections would have half a brain and study the issue rather than just listening to his buddies. Sometimes as a leader you have to say “hell no” even to your friends. Thanks for the invite through.

Thanks all for listening

Posted by: Miguel | Dec 13, 2005 2:35:50 PM

DEMOCRATS NEED BROADER MESSAGE, N.M. GOVERNOR SAYS. By Karen E. Crummy, Denver Post Staff Writer. DenverPost.com. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said Thursday that his fellow Democrats must deliver a broad political message that encompasses national security, economic growth and moral values if they want to win state and federal races next year and the presidency in 2008. Voters, he said, need to see Democrats as tough on terrorism but also diplomatic overseas. And when it comes to the issue of abortion rights, supported by most of the party's base, family planning and adoption should also be discussed. "We need to talk about other issues, instead of being viewed as the party of abortionists," he told a group of Denver Post editors and reporters. "We can't just criticize the Bush administration and have Americans turn to us. We need a positive message." He also said the the best way to get the message out was by rebuilding the party from the ground up, starting with local campaigns. Richardson was in Denver meeting with Gov. Bill Owens about funding issues surrounding the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.

In my opinion, Richardson has been in Control of the Democratic Party of New Mexico since he was elected as Governor in 2002 and Richardson destroyed the Party by using the Party as a Tool to Control whom he wanted to run for political Office. This action pinned Democrats against Democrats in the 2004 Primary. It appears that Richardson has been doing some soul searching in regards Choice. Richardson at one time supported and endorsed the full eleven-point agenda for economic, social and political rights of women put forward by the National Organization for Women (NOW) and other organizations. These organizations contributed Thousands of Dollars towards his campaigns and the membership even voted for him. In my opinion, Richardson is a Republican who has used Democrat's (the people's party) to further his Egocentric Motive, running for President in 2008. Why is Richardson Running for Governor when he could start his campaign for President Immediately. I believe that Richardson is running for Governor so he can continue to use the Perks (Taxpayer Dollars) to further his Egocentric Motives. DPNM must wakeup because Democrats are leaving the Party by the hundreds and becoming Independents. One big Perk Richardson needs is the New Jet he purchase to Travel to Iowa and New Hampshire in his quest for President. New Mexican's deserve better than Governor Phony. Time to dump Richardson. Eli Chavez, Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Dec 15, 2005 8:24:15 PM

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