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    Friday, December 30, 2005

    Americans Who Tell the Truth

    Woody_guthrieA friend up in Taos sent me a link to a powerfully creative and timely project called Americans Who Tell the Truth. At a time when speaking truth to power seems out of vogue even in many Democratic circles, it features courageous Americans past and present who are known for doing just that. The extensive website, including a suggested curriculum for using the project's materials for educational efforts, is well worth an unhurried and thoughtful visit.

    Cindy_sheehan The truth-tellers are heroes and heroines from the arts, politics, literature, music and many other disciplines. The diverse collection includes Rosa Parks, Rachel Carson, Howard Zinn, Cesar Chavez, Chief Joseph Hinmaton Yalektit, "Granny D" Doris Haddock, Wendall Berry, Studs Terkel, Jim Hightower and many, many more. Robert Shetterly, a Maine artist and peace and justice activist, has produced an evocative series of portraits of these brave Americans and coupled them with quotes and biographical information. Shetterly says:

    I began painting this series of portraits --- finding great Americans who spoke the truth and combining their images with their words --- nearly three years ago [after 9-11] as a way of to channel my anger and grief. In the process my respect and love for these people and their courage helped to transform that anger into hope and pride and allowed me to draw strength from this community of truth tellers, finding in them the courage, honesty, tolerance, generosity, wisdom and compassion that have made our country strong. One lesson that can be learned from all of these Americans is that the greatness of our country frequently depends not on the letter of the law, but the insistence of a single person that we adhere to the spirit of the law.

    Langston_hugesThe portraits and biographical materials are designed to function as an educational and inspirational display of what Shetterly believes is hopeful and just about America. They form several traveling exhibits that are being hosted by schools, universities, churches, and various community groups around the country "to create dialogue that will help each of us figure out which truths we value most as citizens in a democracy." Perhaps now more than ever, we need to keep our uniquely American history of challenging the status-quo alive -- to ensure that Americans from all walks of life know this history and its traditions and can pass them on to their children and grandchildren. The preservation of real democracy demands it.

    To support the project and keep it on the road, you can kick in a few tax-deductible bucks for operational expenses or purchase cards from several sets created from the portraits. You can also organize an exhibit of some or all of the paintings in your community. The artist's goal is to "share 'Americans Who Tell the Truth' with as many people in as many parts of the U.S. as possible." Looking for hope, inspiration and vibrant role models as the new year dawns? This is a good place to start. (Click on images for larger versions.)

    December 30, 2005 at 01:00 PM in Current Affairs, Visuals | Permalink


    These are great!

    Posted by: El Norte | Dec 30, 2005 5:07:18 PM

    I agree, what a wonderful tool.

    Posted by: Demo| Dec 31, 2005 10:28:21 AM

    Yes, great link. Thanks. It's good to be reminded of heroes present and past who have spoken truth to power, who have stayed awake.

    Posted by: John McAndrew | Jan 2, 2006 7:37:59 AM

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