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    Wednesday, November 02, 2005

    The Continuing Saga of State Party Politics

    For ready reference, I thought I'd gather together links to recent media and online coverage on State Democratic Party politics and issues raised by State Central Committee members:

    Steve Terrell had an article in the Santa Fe New Mexican on October 29th (pdf) that didn't show up online, as well as an extensive article and sidebar in the New Mexican today that you can read on his blog.

    UPDATE: Terrell has more on Richard Buckman in the 11/3/05 Santa Fe New Mexican.

    Kate Nash had a column in the Albuquerque Tribune on October 31st.

    Joe Monahan has put up two posts in the last two days, here and here.

    DFNM featured a post on October 25th on staff leaving the DPNM, as well as the one yesterday in response to Joe Monahan's first post.

    I've received a number of emails from people wanting to know more about Richard Buckman of TCB after Terrell's coverage on this. He was paid tens of thousands of dollars by the State Party for consulting, supposedly to lobby on the Party's behalf at the DNC and DCCC. People are finding it odd that the DPNM felt it had to pay someone to interact with the Party in Washington. It's also been stated that one of Buckman's accomplishments was to arrange for Wesley Clark to appear at a Party fundraiser in Hobbs, NM.

    Here and here are articles I found by Googling on Buckman. In one of them he's referred to as "formerly a GOP consultant." Both articles cover his involvement with the appointment of U.S. District Court Judge Charles Pickering of Mississippi to the federal Court of Appeals. Pickering was eventually appointed to the post by Bush in a temporary recess appointment.

    Although I think some of the comments in yesterday's thread provide more heat than light, and are too personal in some cases, I still believe a dialog on where we are as a Party and where we're going can be a positive thing. I don't censor commenters on this site. You're on your own in judging how accurate or reasonable their points are. Blogs always attract juvenile comments along with the more rational ones.

    I want to reiterate that the majority of Dems who are speaking out, publicly or behind the scenes, are seeking only to encourage better accountability, transparency and results from the State Party. These are all  touchstones of any effective and professional organization. We are regular, rank and file members of the Party's State Central Committee, its wards and its precincts -- workers from within the mainstream of the Party who are committed to getting things done and making sure our Party infrastructure is efficient and honest. Don'' believe anyone saying otherwise.

    November 2, 2005 at 02:22 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


    This Buckman guy seems pretty shady.

    Posted by: IzzyL | Nov 3, 2005 12:48:19 PM

    Werthless-Wertheim and his band of marry maids Vanessa Alarid and Matt Frauto should all resign They are like a cancer- and until they leave the NMDP we will all be SICK.

    There involvment w/ Buckman is just another example of how out of touch Mr. Worthless is to the NMDP-

    Posted by: judas | Nov 3, 2005 2:29:51 PM

    Ding Dong the witch is dead,the witch is dead,the witch is dead,the witch is dead,Ding Dong the witch is dead,the witch is dead,the witch is dead,the witch is dead . One head (Vaness Alarid) of the two headed beast has been lopped off . WEEEEEEE. Wow MATT F. Communications director NPNM you have been silent for a few days . R U OK ! MAYBE U R NEXT !

    Posted by: Spanking the Donkey | Nov 4, 2005 8:36:27 AM

    I strongly support reform and problem solving within the party but the kind of juvenile and personal attack expressed in the above comment is meanspirited and out of line.

    This effort is not about making personal attacks on individuals. It is about positive change and accountability. Whoever wrote the above comment in three comment threads is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Shame on you.

    Posted by: The Lobo | Nov 4, 2005 9:36:44 AM

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