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    Tuesday, November 01, 2005

    URGENT REQUEST from NRDC on 3 Votes Needed to Save ANWR

    Editor's Note: We get so many of these kinds of urgent requests for help, but I think this one is really important -- and we are so close to victory. Please consider donating a few dollars today to this effort. If you need a reminder of what's at stake, click here and check out the exquisite photos of the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

    From the Natural Resources Defense Council:

    It's all come down to this. The House of Representatives will vote as early as next week on a budget bill that would sacrifice the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to massive oil development and destruction.

    We can win this showdown in Congress, but we must secure the votes of three more moderate Republicans:  Representatives Jim Gerlach (PA), David Reichert (WA), and Mark Kennedy (MN).

    We urgently need your financial support to run hard-hitting ads targeting these three key Representatives in next Sunday's newspapers.

    View the ad and donate:  https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arcticad/donate.asp

    Our three targeted Congressmen say they oppose drilling in the Arctic Refuge. But they are under tremendous pressure from President Bush and House leaders to do the bidding of Big Oil.

    We cannot expect these Republican Congressmen to vote against their leadership unless they hear from thousands of their own constituents, demanding that they stand strong in defense of the Arctic Refuge.

    All we need is your support to make that outcry happen. View the ad and donate: https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arcticad/donate.asp

    The Bush Administration is shamelessly exploiting the recent hurricanes and high gas prices as excuses to industrialize the Arctic Refuge. But, as our ad reveals, drilling in the Arctic Refuge will only save consumers one penny per gallon at the pump in 20 years!

    Meanwhile, ExxonMobil and Shell just reported third-quarter profits totaling nearly $19 billion!

    Help us get the truth out to tens of thousands of voters in the three decisive Congressional districts before next week's showdown vote.

    I urge you to make an online donation right now that could save America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife: https://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arcticad/donate.asp

    Thank you.
    John H. Adams, NRDC Action Fund

    November 1, 2005 at 09:31 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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