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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday Bird Blogging


This is Georgie, our powder blue parakeet. Although we once thought he was a male, we recently learned she's a hen thru and thru. In fact, we had to separate Georgie from Ginger, seen in the background above, because Ginger attacks any sister hen as soon as it reaches parakeet puberty.

We had a little scare this week when Georgie stayed lethargic and puffed up for a full day. No, we didn't think it was the infamous bird flu, but we did wonder if she had eaten bad seeds or come down with some other budgie ailment. I'm pleased to report she must have just been having a bad day as she's back to her gregariously active self. And she's proud, as usual, about being BLUE even if she has to reside in a marginally Red State these days!

November 6, 2005 at 02:28 PM | Permalink


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