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Monday, November 07, 2005

Join Common Cause for a Presentation on Election Day Registration

Editor's Note: Also please read previous post on next meeting of Election Reform Task Force.

From Common Cause NM:
We all know the problems with decreasing voter turnout in federal elections, not to mention even lower turnouts in state and local elections.  At Common Cause, one of the most important issues for us is increasing voter turnout and making it easier for citizens to express their views.  That's why we're putting together a presentation/discussion about Election Day Registration (sometimes referred to as "same day voter registration") in Albuquerque.

On Wednesday, November 9, at the University of New Mexico Student Union Building, Ludovic Blain from Demos will explain the concept of Election Day Registration (EDR), talk about how it is currently working in six states and discuss the prospect for implementing EDR in New Mexico.  There will be plenty of time for discussion about EDR, as well as other election reform issues like voter verifiable paper trails, voting machines, voter education, following up on current election legislation and poll worker training.

Here are the details on time and location for the event:

Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, November 9, 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. at the University of New Mexico Student Union Building in the Acoma Rooms (on the second floor).  Please see this link for a map of the University of New Mexico.  The Student Union Building will be number "60" on the map, and the parking structure will be number "198".

The Election Reform Task Force Committee, called together by Governor Bill Richardson, is contemplating a recommendation for Election Day Registration.  The November 9th presentation will allow activists and the public to learn about EDR.  Common Cause, Demos, the League of Women Voters, student groups and community organizations are scheduled to attend.  Please join us for this important presentation.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at the EDR presentation on November 9!

Matt Brix
Executive Director, Common Cause New Mexico

November 7, 2005 at 10:24 AM in Events | Permalink


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