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Monday, November 07, 2005

ACTION ALERT: Next Election Reform Task Force Set for Nov. 10-11

From United Voters of NM:
The next meeting of the interim legislative Election Reform Task Force will be held on 10-11 November 2005 in Room 307, State Capitol, Santa Fe. The meetings begin at 9 AM on both days.  Click for a copy of the tentative agenda (pdf).

There will be two presentations, one on state compliance with federal consent decrees and one on election day voter registration.  The latter one is an important new initiative, and is being promoted by Common Cause NM. (Editor's Note: See next post about Common Cause event on 11/9 regarding same day registration.)

Beyond those two presentations, the rest of the agenda is on "Discussion of Legislative Proposals".  Presumably, these discussions will be to develop guidance for the development of legislation in the next legislative session next spring, and probably, in later legislative sessions.

The Task Force clearly respects our views. So it will be really important to have a good showing from the election reform community at the Task Force meetings. Please make every effort to be there.

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November 7, 2005 at 10:10 AM in Events | Permalink


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