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    Wednesday, November 09, 2005

    ACTION ALERT: Call Heather Wilson NOW on Budget Cuts

    From MoveOn:
    In just 48 hours the House of Representatives will be voting on the "budget reconciliation" proposal to make $54 billion dollars in permanent cuts to vital services for the nation's poor and middle class. Their plan would rob $50 billion from services like Medicaid, food stamps, and student loans—only to fund $70 billion in tax cuts for the rich. Rep. Wilson is one of the few swing remaining votes who could make the difference. Please call today:

    Congresswoman Heather Wilson
    Phone: 202-225-6316
    Albuquerque District Office: 505-346-6781

    Then, please report your call by clicking here.

    Here are just some of the impacts the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated will result from the Republican budget plan:

    * Millions of poor and elderly patients would loose health care services and have to pay more for the treatment they need

    * Hundreds of thousands of needy families would be cut off from food stamps

    * Tens of thousands of hungry children would be cut off of food stamps

    * Hundreds of thousands of families would be cut off of from day-care assistance, making it difficult or impossible for them to stay employed

    * Millions of students looking to peruse a higher education would have to pay an average of $5,800 dollars more in interest payments alone

    The Republican budget proposal is so bad even Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, no friend of social services, has publicly criticized the budget plan for going way too far.

    In the next 48 hours we have a real chance of stopping this budget proposal once and for all. And if it does survive Thursday's vote and go through to the final round, we can make sure all our representatives know that we are counting them to do what it takes to defeat it in the final vote.

    November 9, 2005 at 10:50 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    If Heather votes for these cuts we will have big ammunition to use against her in 2006. She paints herself as moderate and this vote will be telling on that score.

    Posted by: IzzyL | Nov 9, 2005 2:03:33 PM

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