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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday Barnum & Bailey (Bird) Blogging


Since our digital camera is on its way back from North Carolina today with the photographer in the family, I couldn't get any new pictures of Bosco the peach-faced lovebird or our numerous parakeets for my traditional Sunday Bird Blogging. Instead, here's a couple of the dogs that shared the beach house on the Outer Banks this week during Mary Ellen's family reunion vacation. That's Barnum on the right (6-month-old chihuahua) and Bailey (yellow lab) at left, above. And here's a particularly charming shot of Barnum (who has green eyes):


By all accounts, the two were quite the beach buddies, although the surf at Corolla Beach was a bit much at times for Barnum. And no, despite their names they're not circus performers. Well, except maybe in their own minds....ARF!

October 9, 2005 at 08:22 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


Ruff, ruff!

Posted by: El Norte | Oct 9, 2005 2:11:03 PM

Cool photos, dudes. Any good nibbles on the beach? And how about rolling in dead fish? Is that fun or what?

Posted by: BaileyF | Oct 10, 2005 9:36:09 AM

Personally I like to roll in the aromatic old seaweed that washes up on the beach and ages in the sun to produce a delightfully ripe scent. Barnum, still a puppy, enjoys licking and eating sand!

Posted by: BaileyM | Oct 10, 2005 11:00:39 AM

Puppies these days.

Posted by: BaileyF | Oct 11, 2005 9:28:09 AM

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