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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Special Session of the NM Legislature Convenes Today

Governor Richardson has called a Special Session of the NM Legislature, which starts today at noon. The Santa Fe New Mexican online offers a useful Special Session Resource Guide that will include daily coverage of events, as well as useful links and other information.

Click to find your legislators and their contact information.

Lawmakers are limited to considering matters that the governor specifies in the proclamation calling for the Special Session. Richardson has proposed nearly $100 million in assistance to help New Mexicans with high gasoline prices and home heating costs. His proposals include a tax rebate and a measure to outlaw price gouging. The House also has the power to start impeachment proceedings against indicted state Treasurer Robert Vigil.

According to the New Mexican,

Legislative leaders agreed Wednesday to budget enough money for a seven-day session. They also set aside $500,000 for impeachment-related expenses, such as special staff.

Gov. Bill Richardson — frustrated that he can’t keep Vigil from going to work — said Wednesday that he’ll back whatever the House decides to do about impeachment, whether it’s a vote during the session or the formation of a committee to meet afterward.

“I believe the issues raised about Treasurer Vigil’s action merit impeachment ,” the governor said. But he added he didn’t want to appear to be interfering by telling lawmakers how to proceed.

October 6, 2005 at 10:52 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


half of a million dollars of our hard earned money to impeach this crook. Our tax dollars! Makes me sick.

Posted by: meb | Oct 6, 2005 12:44:28 PM

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