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Thursday, October 13, 2005

NM Voter Action Lawsuit Discussed in This Week's Santa Fe Reporter

"Outtakes: Poll Position: New Mexico voting machines are under suspicion" by Dan Frosch is featured in this week's Santa Fe Reporter. The article describes the problems with voting machine undervotes and phantom votes in the 2004 election that have been documented by Voter Action and its election experts and attorneys.

As many of you know, Voter Action has filed a lawsuit on behalf of several NM voters against NM Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron and a number of county clerks around the state, based on the voting machine problems. The suit seeks a permanent injunction against the voting machines pending further investigation. The article also highlights the ethical problems inherent in the cozy relationships that exist between secretaries of state and machine manufacturers.

It's good to see this issue getting some media play. It's amazing how difficult it has been for Voter Action and others to get any coverage of this issue in the mainstream media, despite the documentation they have provided to back up their claims. What's worse is that it's Democrats -- especially Governor Richardson, Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron -- who have been fighting them tooth and nail in this case and against an earlier effort to get a recount of the 2004 results. If Democrats can't be counted on to ensure accurate and honest elections, who can we rely on?

Visit the Voter Action website for more information on this issue and an easy way to donate to the cause.

October 13, 2005 at 03:11 PM | Permalink


It's crazy. The governor could have gotten big support from around the nation if he backed a recount and/or seeing what happened with the messed up machine counts.

Posted by: IzzyL | Oct 13, 2005 5:27:22 PM

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