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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

NM Bioneers Conference Coming to ABQ and Taos

From the NM Bioneers:
The New Mexico Bioneers Conference takes place Friday, October 14 in Taos (at the Convention Center) and Saturday and Sunday, October 15-16, in Albuquerque (at the UNM Student Union). This is the biggest "green" conference in the state, and the buzz around the event is growing daily. Attendees will gather each day to learn, network, and be uplifted by over 60 local speakers sharing their success stories and solutions to many of the pressing environmental, social, and sustainability issues facing us today. (Visit the Bioneers website at www.bioneers.org for more information about the annual Bioneers Conference and our partnership.)

The environmental nonprofit organization Sustain Taos is partnering with the University of New Mexico-Taos to host the 3-day event. The conference actually takes place in two locations, Taos and Albuquerque - but not at the same time. To reach a larger audience, the conference begins in Taos on Friday, October 14, and continues in Albuquerque on Saturday and Sunday, October 15-16. Complete conference information with online registration is available at www.sustaintaos.org/bioneers or call 505-758-2103.


Each conference day begins at 9:00 AM with a local keynote speaker, followed by a live satellite broadcast of the plenary (i.e. keynote) speakers from the annual Bioneers Conference in California. Some of the better known speakers in California that will be beamed to Taos and Albuquerque include Michael Ableman, Janine Benyus, Wil Bullock, Ohki Simine Forest, Thom Hartman, Andy Lipkis, Mill McKibben, Carolyn Raffensperger, and Diane Wilson.

After an organic lunch, attendees will attend talks and forums on a variety of topics -- food and farming issues, renewable energy, urban restoration, sustainable communities, ecological health, water and land use, ecological design, and more. Exhibitors are encouraged to set up displays.

The local programming is different in each location but often related. For example, a variety of food and farming issues will be addressed each day. In Taos, one session called "Northern New Mexico's Legacy of Land, Water, and Sustainability" will explore acequias and traditional community agriculture as a model for sustainability. Another program will showcase unique success stories for food production in the Taos "food shed." In Albuquerque, forums are planned on urban food production, food-to-school programs, and youth initiatives in learning about agriculture.

Renewable energy is another hot topic, especially with rising energy prices. A 3-part series of sessions called "Energy Paths to a Sustainable New Mexico is planned for the weekend in Albuquerque, including discussions on "A Vision for Energy Efficiency and 100% Renewables," "What's Our Current Reality Relative to the Vision" and "How Do We Get to a Renewable Energy Future From Here." In Taos, a session will discuss a unique private-public green energy partnership with the local electric co-op.

Many sessions will be panel discussions that combine the voices of youth and elders and multiple cultures. Some of the other session topics include: GIS Mapping for Sustainability," "The Greening of Healthcare," "Building the Urban-Rural Bridge," "Multi-Cultural Understanding," "Students and Farms and Health," "Innovations in Green Design" (both in Taos and Albuquerque), and "Healing Birth for Healing the Earth."


The registration fees are very low for such a worthwhile conference, with a single-day registration only $35.00. Youth and seniors receive discounts. Register before September 30 to receive an early-bird discount. Delicious organic food will be served for lunch for only $8.00 a day.

To keeps registration fees low, Sustain Taos is seeking sponsors to support this uplifting conference. If you want to participate as a sponsor or an exhibitor, call 758-2103 for details.

For conference questions visit www.sustaintaos.org/bioneers. If you need further help, call 505-758-2103.

Thanks - and see you at the conference!
Richard Kujawski and Amy Pilling NM Bioneers Conference Co-Directors

October 12, 2005 at 08:46 AM in Events | Permalink


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