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Friday, October 14, 2005

It's (Almost) Official: Madrid to Take On Heather


Maggie Toulouse, Jim Baca and Joe Monahan are all reporting that it's pretty much a done deal that Attorney General Patricia Madrid will run against Bush-Delay rubberstamp Heather Wilson for Congress in New Mexico''s CD1 in 2006. And that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) of the DNC is prepared to provide significant cash and other support for her campaign.

Your thoughts?

UPDATE: Patricia Madrid officially declared her candidacy for Congress in NM Congressional District 1 late Friday. You can read about it in the Albuquerque Tribune.

October 14, 2005 at 11:38 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


This is the best we can do? I suppose someone running against Wilson is better than no-one running against Wilson, but won't the Republicans use the current State Treasurer scandal against Madrid? After all, she had a chance to prosecute on problems raised in the past, but didn't do so.

A very weak candidate.

Posted by: Old Democrat | Oct 14, 2005 1:03:04 PM

I am a part time New Mexican and part time New Yorker soon to be a full time New Mexican. Heather Wilson needs to be defeated for a number of reasons but perhaps the most important is her strong link to the right wing and their value laden slash and burn agenda for dismantling government and ending privacy rights. I know less about Madrid and would be interested in the other commenter fuller thoughts on why she would not be a good candidate.

Posted by: Kate Stone | Oct 14, 2005 1:17:02 PM

Her positions are generally fine, and often progressive. The main problem I see with Madrid is that she lacks charisma, is a poor public speaker and debater and isn't as smart as Wilson. She lacks pizzazz and often seems confused when questioned on camera. Not a good campaigner. I can't imagine her going after Wilson in a way that would be impressive and effective and we need that in this race.

Posted by: Old Democrat | Oct 14, 2005 1:29:43 PM

I agree old dem. She is a very weak candidate. And I find it pitiful really. Especially after the state treasure scandal. Maybe the DCC has not heard of that one. She was the one who shut down the Sandoval county clerk that was marrying those awful homos. She has never moved so fast on a topic as far as i could see. Let's face it she is an insider all the way. And got there from family ties. What are her values? Tell ya what this dem aint gonna lift a finger for her. Sad sad day for dems in NM. Wilson is smiling.

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 14, 2005 3:35:37 PM

Hey, Mary Ellen, I am one of those "awful homos" you refer to. I can either read your post as sacrcasm towards her or towards people like me. In any even, who could go up against Heather Wilson? Is there nobody else in NM? Please tell me that isn't true.

Posted by: Kate Stone | Oct 14, 2005 5:14:16 PM

Kate: I'm a homo too so obviously it was sarcasm towards her. (Most people on here already know that.) Patsy Madrid stopped gay marriages here by moving fast as lightening. Something she's not known for. I guess the thought of gays marrying in New Mexico was more than she could bear.

There are a few other people I'd like to see run, but so far, no one else is willing to go up against Wilson. Hard to get enough money and hard for new people to get the support of insider Dems here.

Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 14, 2005 6:31:09 PM

Don't forget all the state and federal money Madrid has spent on those TV ads. I think they will backfire on her, because she didn't do a very good job of presenting herself.

I think we will be better off with Wilson!

Posted by: FuzzyWuzzy | Oct 14, 2005 9:12:49 PM

She has by far the best chance of anyone I've heard mentioned to run against Heather. She has high name ID and has the ability to raise the money it will take. It's still a tough road ahead. But if the goal is getting rid of Heather and I'd think we could all agree that Madrid on her worst day is better than Heather on her best - I think she has a better shot than anyone else I've heard that is looking at it.

And yes the Vigil thing will be tough - but they're going to hang that around any democrats head. Doesn't matter who it is or if they had oversight or a chance to catch Vigil earlier - if you're a dem in 2006 the R's will try and link Vigil to you.

So... long story short, she's got a chance but it'll be tough - but she has a better chance than anyone else that has been thinking about it.

Posted by: Local Dem | Oct 14, 2005 9:50:19 PM

Bottom line is we've got a horribly weak contingent of possible candidates for this spot. The party in NM is in bad shape with little fresh blood. And the new people who have some passion and ethics are fought tooth and nail by the insiders who currently have power. Better to have weak candidates, like Romero and Madrid, than to allow any challengers to insiders to gain any strength or clout.

Posted by: El Norte | Oct 15, 2005 9:17:15 AM

I have written about Patricia Madrid in my blog and in the Carlsbad Current Argus. I hope Ms Madrid got to see the letter. She is a hero for taking on the payday loansharks and will be a wonderful candidate to oppose that ninny Heather Wilson. I have no doubt that she can beat Wilson.

Posted by: Kate | Oct 15, 2005 7:15:20 PM

Madrid has done good things, like going after the payday loan sharks, and many of her positions are very good. I hope she can beat Wilson, who pretends to be "independent" but has voted with Bush and DeLay almost all of the time. It would be a big improvement if Madrid were representing our district.

I agree the problems with her have to do with personal charisma, public speaking and debating skills and passion to take Heather on with the kind of strong campaign and challenges that would be needed to win this race. It's always hard to beat an incumbent, especially one who is viewed as bringing home the bacon for Kirtland and Sandia Labs, and who poses as a "nice woman" who is nice to seniors, etc.

Maybe Madrid will take some lessons in how to be dynamic on the public stage or something, so she can be an effective challenger. We can only hope.

Posted by: IzzyL | Oct 16, 2005 9:58:40 AM

If Democrats want to elect candidates, they need to get behind them. If that is who is running then Democrats need to give their support - 100%. The only way to win an election is to avoid factions, support the candidates, and work for the goal - getting the Republicans out of office. We have to show up and vote. We have to be vocal in our support of our candidates. We cannot afford another 4 years of Republicans in control.

Posted by: Kate | Oct 16, 2005 11:52:45 AM

Kate, this is true, but there are also some requirements that need to be met by our candidates in order to inspire and motivate people to work for them and get others to vote for them. First off, they need to take up positions that represent the traditional core values of Democrats and express them passionately. Second, they need to communicate well with ordinary Democratic voters to gain support. Third, they need to SELL the core values of Democrats to others who aren't necessarily loyal Democratic voters.

Gathering large sums of money and buying time for those horribly boring political ads is not enough anymore. There has to be a real grassroots effort on the part of all our candidates, including Madrid.

The days of Democrats just blindly supporting candidates whether or not they support their values and positions are gone. And good riddance.

Posted by: Berncoguy | Oct 16, 2005 12:09:25 PM

I talked with a member of her staff a couple of years back about the need to work on presentation and style. She has improved. Give her credit for the effort she's put in.

She does need better input and I hope she gets good campaign management because she'll need it (so don't rely on the party hacks, Patsy.)

About her chances, Wilson has pinned cheap medals on every veteran in a 1000 mile radius (while failing to work to preserve their real benefits) and is there a baby alive she hasn't kissed or cooed over? She's got a powerful service machine that will be hard to beat.

Posted by: suz | Oct 17, 2005 1:59:52 PM

I expect we'll see John Edwards campaigning for her.

The other thing is, polls have consistently shown for several months now that satisfaction with congress is at an all time low, and people will vote for Democrat A over Republican B.

But that often means nothing when there are real names in the mix.

Posted by: KathyF | Oct 18, 2005 12:36:16 PM

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