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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Inside Scoop on Election Reform in Southwest

ReformFrom Common Cause:
In less than two weeks, a group of citizens who are dedicated to finding solutions to election problems and challenges in the Southwestern states will gather for a conference in a beautiful setting in the Rocky Mountains.  If you care about fixing our broken election system, you should be there too.

What:   Common Cause 2005 Southwest Election Reform Conference   
Who:   Lawmakers, election officials, advocates, experts, academics, and citizens
When: Friday, October 21, 2005, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Where: Estes Park, Colorado

To register, please go to:
The day's agenda will include a panel of experts, participatory workshops, and networking opportunities, culminating in the basis of a plan of action for reform in each state.  You'll be getting in on the ground floor, ready to play a part in the making of history in your state.

Invite your colleagues to come along, but don't delay; the conference is only a few weeks away.  Sign up today. For more information about the conference or registration, please contact me at jflanagan@commoncause.org or call 303-292-2163.

I hope to see you in Estes Park.  If you can't come, please pass this message along to someone else who might be able to attend.  In the meantime, thanks for all you do to make our democracy stronger.

Jenny Rose Flanagan, Common Cause Colorado
On behalf of Barb, Ed, Mary, Lisa, DJ, Susannah, Jennifer, Kirstin & Murshed
Common Cause Election Reform Team

October 8, 2005 at 10:41 AM in Events | Permalink


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