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Monday, October 10, 2005



From Terry Riley:
The American Friends Service Committee has proposed a nationwide demonstration on the day that the number of American soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan reaches 2000. They have set up a web site where you can register to attend and from which you will be notified.  The demonstration is supposed to be non-partisan and they ask that the signs be to the issue ONLY.  I believe that this is an excellent opportunity to get the word out and make the rest of the public aware that we have to get out now.

If you would like to join us on that day please go to the following web site and register   https://www.afsc.org/2000/   

This web site also has signs that you can download so that our demonstration is as uniform as possible and our message is as powerful as possible.  Please consider joining in this opportunity to speak out in large numbers.  We HAVE to start doing things to stop the killing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I have selected the intersection of Montgomery Blvd. NE and San Mateo NE.  There are several parking lots at each of the corners of the intersection and the traffic is higher here than any other intersection in New Mexico.  My plan is that we line the sidewalks coming out from the intersection with all that show up.  People driving home that day will see a consistent message and hopefully a lot of people.  We need to MAKE the average person start to do something!

You are welcome to also e-mail me here for more information.

Thank you,
Terry Riley: Terryr345@aol.com

Editor's Note: Click to learn more about the American Friends Service Committee's Wage Peace campaign, including their Wage Peace video and Homeward Bound resolution. The site also provides extensive background information on the war in Iraq, AFSC's positions and activist resources.

October 10, 2005 at 12:31 PM in Events, Iraq War | Permalink


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