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Monday, October 03, 2005

ACTION ALERT: It All Comes Down to US

As we tick down to the final hours before the Albuquerque election this Tuesday, all our progressive candidates and issues are in the running, and I'm convinced we can win every race. IF:

IF we work like hell to get out the vote (GOTV) today and tomorrow

IF we all vote and get our like-minded friends and neighbors and family members to vote

What we need is a BIG TURNOUT tomorrow, of new voters and regular voters and those who only vote sporadically. If we get it, we can win. If we don't, the task will be much harder. And only WE can make that turnout happen.

Remember that the poll numbers you may be seeing can be deceptive. The polls only include "likely voters," which means those who have a record of voting in recent elections. They only contact those with landline phones, not cells. This omits signficant numbers of OUR voters, including the many new ones who have recently registered to vote because of the living wage and clean elections proposals or for other reasons.

Given that candidates need at least 40% of the total vote to win, runoffs are likely in at least several races, even those that don't seem that close now. And if a runoff happens, all bets are off on monied favorites.

So please contact one of the progressive campaigns ASAP and sign up to help today and on election day. Consider taking the day or part of a day off tomorrow to vote and then volunteer to help get others out to vote. There's plenty of work at all the campaigns:

Eric Griego for Mayor: 224-9042

Living Wage Campaign: Call Acorn @ 242-7411

Clean Elections Code Campaign: Call Matt Brix, Common Cause NM, @ 323-6399

Miguel Gomez for City Councilor, District 1: 839-6638

Ike Benton for City Councilor, District 3: 268-0310

Marianne Dickinson for City Councilor, District 7: 385-8760

Chris Catechis for City Councilor, District 9: 271-9876

Unfortunately for me, I'm down with some awful fevered cold or flu bug, reduced to sucking down cough syrup, downing antibiotics and making Kleenex stock rise. But I thought the least I could do was get on the computer and urge all able bodied progressives, LIKE YOU, to VOTE AND GOTV. We can win these races. IF.

October 3, 2005 at 09:54 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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