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Monday, October 10, 2005

A Sad Anniversary

Three years ago today, October 10, 2002:

Noweaponsjustlies1The House voted 296-133 to give President George W. Bush broad authority to use military force against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, with or without U.N. support. Despite an unprecedented flooding of Congress with calls, e-mails, letters, and faxes in opposition, both the House of Representatives and the Senate overwhelmingly pass resolutions authorizing President Bush to unilaterally launch an invasion of Iraq at any time for any reason.

Visit https://www.peacebuttons.info/ for more information on the history of peace and justice or to sign up for their free weekly peace calendar.

Timely Reads:
Why the U.S. must leave Iraq: Sen. Russ Feingold says it's time to admit the war was a disaster -- and accuses his fellow Democrats of going along with Bush out of fear.

Democracy Itself is in Grave Danger: Speech by Al Gore to the American Constitution Society at Georgetown University Law Center

on democracy and the media.

October 10, 2005 at 01:25 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


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