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« DFA-DFNM ABQ Meetup to Feature NM Rep. Mimi Stewart | Main | URGENT REQUEST from NRDC on 3 Votes Needed to Save ANWR »

Monday, October 31, 2005

A Forum of Successful Progressive Candidates Set for 11/19 in ABQ

From People Taking Back Their Government
Community Partners: Central New Mexico Labor Council, Gray Panthers of Albq, Plumbers & Pipefitters LU 412 and World Voices

A Forum of Successful Progressive Candidates

United State Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont
NM Legislature: Rep. Mimi Stewart and Senator Cisco McSorley

Plumbers Hall, 510 San Pedro SE
Saturday, November 19
1:00 - 4:30 PM

The progressive elected officials at this forum will share their stories of why they decided to run for office and how they won. Those interested in running for public office in our communities and the community at large should attend to learn what it takes to be elected when you don’t follow the accepted guidelines or have a great deal of money.

The Coalition to Take Back Our Government believes that there is a need for more people from the community to run government. That it needs to be those of us who understand how it is not to have a job, not be able to send your children to college, and that healthy living means having clean water, trees, and rivers to have healthy and safe communities. There are many of us who know that preventing disease, and funding research for those illness which are killing us -- AIDS, cancer, and diabetes -- needs to happen. Adequate health care and educational opportunities for all are a human right. That when we don’t provide the necessary support to working families, and their children the future of any society is adversely impacted.

We invite you to join us at this event to hear the guests who chose to run because they had a dream to be a voice for their community. Come and be inspired to plan strategies to get involved in building healthy and sustainable communities. We the people know our needs and can be the builders for the future.

Be a sponsor and help in getting the word out to people you know. Tables at the event are $15 donation. These donations will serve to support progressive community people who run for public office. For information call: Martha at 275-0597 or Luis at 463-3774 or send an email to: marthacd@earthlink.net. Community Partners: Central New Mexico Labor Council, Gray Panthers of Albq, Plumbers & Pipefitters LU 412 and World Voices.

October 31, 2005 at 09:07 PM in Events | Permalink


the las cruces meet-up link under coming events says that it is canceled. I left the state for a while did the the las cruces group disband?

Posted by: arn andrews | Nov 1, 2005 8:51:02 AM

Arn: Some DFA Meetups stopped using the Meetup site for organizing their meetings when Meetup raised their user fees. DFA has created their own version of the Meetup tools, now known as DFA Link, which many of these are using instead. Here's the page:


Our DFA-DFNM Albuquerque Meetup is continuing to use the Meetup site for organizing, while the Santa Fe group is using Yahoo groups now.

Despite an ongoing effort to stay in touch with the Las Cruces DFA people, I haven't been informed on whether they are continuing their meetings or not. As you've discovered, they withdrew their group from the Meetup site and I don't see them on DFA Link either.

If anyone knows whether DFA Las Cruces continues, please let me know so I can update their info on this website.


PS I believe a DFA group called Socorroans for Democracy also continues, but I haven't received any contact information for them of late either. If any SFD people are out there reading this, please let me know.

Posted by: barb | Nov 1, 2005 9:11:45 AM

Isn't it interesting that they recently chose to have the Dem. State Central Comm. meeting the same day as this event, which has been scheduled for months? That will split off some progressive Democrats who might otherwise be complaining about how the state party is run.

Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Nov 1, 2005 9:19:51 AM

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