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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

YOU'RE INVITED: Mixer for Marianne Dickinson

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Marianne Dickinson is a Democrat running for ABQ City Council in District 7. You can support her with donations and volunteer hours regardless of where you live! Find out if you can vote for her .

Latest Endorsements:
Conservation Voters of New Mexico
The Green Party of Bernalillo County

*Go to www.MarianneDickinson.com to read the press releases that CVNM sent out about Marianne.

Signs are here! If you are interested in putting a Marianne Dickinson sign in your lawn please call us and we'll get one to you right away. And if you can help put some up at intersections in the district let us know.

Forum: The District 7 Coalition is hosting a forum for the candidates this Thursday at 7:00 PM at the Sheraton Uptown. If you can make it, please get out there and support your candidate!

With just 4 weeks until the October 4 election we need your help now.

  • If you can come to a phonebank,
  • If you can go door to door for Marianne,
  • If you can help put up signs or help in any other way...

Call us at 385-8760 / 842-5539 or at www.MarianneDickinson.com.  Thank You for your continued support!!

September 7, 2005 at 01:45 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


She is such an excellent candidate and we NEED to get rid of the present councilor in this district -- the terrible Sally Mayer. Remember, she is the one taking money from those connected to the Wal-Mart they want to build at Wyoming and Menaul, and from big developers who could care less about older Albuquerque neighborhoods.

Please do what you can to support Marianne!

Posted by: Sue | Sep 7, 2005 4:21:47 PM

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