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    Friday, September 16, 2005

    You. Yeah, You.

    I mean YOU.

    If you're reading this blog, chances are you consider yourself in possession of at least some degree of political saavy. You may even see yourself as a grassroots political activist of the progressive persuasion. Note that the root of the word "activist" is ACTIVE, one definition of which is "marked by or involving direct participation."

    So what are you ACTIVELY doing to support progressive candidates and causes with only a few weeks left before the October 4th Albuquerque municipal election? With the future direction of Albuquerque in the balance, NOW is the time to put your money and your body on the line for positive change. Yes, I'm guilt-tripping YOU!

    Liberal circles are constantly buzzing about the growing power of grassroots campaigning and activism. But it's only talk if you do nothing ACTIVE to support the candidates and causes that depend on small donations and volunteer hours from many people to win.

    As they used to say back in the day, you're either on the bus or off the bus. Get on board:

    Progressive candidates for mayor and city council, as well as groups advocating on behalf of the living wage and clean elections ballot referenda, need your help NOW. You can volunteer to phone bank, door knock, deliver signs, enter data and more. And think of what a boost it would give campaigns if each of you reading this would kick in a few bucks in donations!

    It doesn't have to be much -- a few hours of volunteer time each week and $10 or $20 to a couple campaigns. If many of us do this, our power multiplies and gains in clout, and our candidates and causes gain the tools they need to fight and win!

    Check out the links under Coming Events on the right-hand side of this page for fundraisers you can attend in support of our candidates. Call the campaigns to find out how you can volunteer THIS WEEKEND and beyond, and click on the names below to visit websites to make donations or learn more:


    Eric Griego: Call Melanie @ 224-9042


    Miguel Gomez (District 1): 839-6638

    Ike Benton (District 3): 268-0310

    Marianne Dickinson (District 7): Call Keegan King @ 385-8760

    Chris Catechis (District 9): 271-9876


    Living Wage: Call Acorn @ 242-7411

    Clean Elections: Call Matt Brix, Common Cause NM, @ 323-6399: Sign up to help:

    The Alibi has a terrific resource for learning more about these candidates and initiatives in their just published Election Guide. Read it and ACT!

    September 16, 2005 at 11:35 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    You said it. Very well, in fact.

    I was bitching last night about people who love to talk and complain but never do the hard work. There are lots of those types over here, too, and we wasted the better part of a two hour meeting last night dealing with them.

    Meanwhile, I haven't received my absentee ballot yet. Didn't I read something on CNN about ballots being mailed to the wrong location? I'll try to call the clerk's office when they open, but if you know anything about this, please advise.

    Posted by: KathyF | Sep 19, 2005 2:22:25 AM

    The problem was that the clerk's office sent out ballots with the wrong city council candidates. You can read about it in this Albuquerque Tribune article:


    Good luck on contacting the clerk's office and getting an answer! We need every vote!

    Posted by: barb | Sep 19, 2005 9:51:43 AM

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