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    Thursday, September 15, 2005

    Must Read: Dean on Roberts

    DNC Chair Howard Dean shreds Supreme Court nominee John Roberts in an email to Dems and an op-ed piece that will be appearing in newspapers across the nation. Read them and act by writing a letter to the editor of your paper. Excerpt:

    The consistent mark of Roberts' career is a lack of commitment to making the Constitution's promise of equal protection a reality for all Americans, particularly the most vulnerable in our society.

    He has opposed laws protecting the rights of girls and young women to have the same opportunities in sports as boys and young men. He has argued that politicians, not individual women themselves, ought to control women's reproductive health care. He has opposed various remedies for the racial injustices which have occurred in America since slavery and which persist today. He has consistently joined the radical right in seeking to weaken voting rights protections, in essence attacking the rights of black and Hispanic voters to cast their ballot without paying poll taxes or being subjected to intimidation or gerrymandering. He fought against protecting all Americans from workplace discrimination. Most worrisome, he refused to answer questions on his limited view of the right to personal privacy that most Americans take for granted.

    It will be enlightening to see which Dems will vote according to core Democratic values on Roberts and which ones will collapse in spineless surrender, won't it?

    September 15, 2005 at 12:34 PM in Current Affairs, Democratic Party | Permalink


    Yes, it will. I'd love to see a filibuster. WHY NOT??!!???11

    Posted by: Nancy | Sep 15, 2005 3:52:18 PM

    Hey, come on, it might "offend" a Republican or some mythical "centrist" voter or something!

    Posted by: barb | Sep 15, 2005 4:32:31 PM

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