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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Join Living Wage Efforts

From Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign:

21 Days until the People's Voice Is Heard!

As the Chamber of Commerce launches its expensive attack ads, spreading lies and generating fear about the Albuquerque minimum wage increase, we will be on the doors, telling voters the truth and getting them to the polls to approve the wage increase to $7.50. Come join us!

GOTV canvassing begins this Saturday, September 17, and we will kick it off with a door-to-door blitz across Albuquerque.  Join us for 1, 2, or 4 hours.  You can rendezvous with us at one of three locations at 10:00 AM:

Valley: the ACORN office at 411 Bellamah NW, between the Mexican Consulate on 4th Street & the Friends Meeting House on 5th Street.

Southeast Heights: the home of Virginia McFadden, 514 Valencia SE

West Side: Truman Middle School at the corner of 98th Street & Benevides in Westgate.

Refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP about Saturday to matthew@abqlivingwage.org or call 242-7411.

Other Volunteer Opportunities
If you want to volunteer as a Precinct Captain, sign up for GOTV canvassing another day, phone bank, fund raise, or help out on Election Day, email us at matthew@abqlivingwage.org or call 242-7411.

September 14, 2005 at 09:24 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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