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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hey Big Spender

BucksEx-Mayor Jim Baca finally relents and comments on his blog about the October 4 mayoral election. He says he was prompted by what he calls Mayor Marty Chavez's "campaign untruths" about fiscal matters, as well as Marty's extravagant spending record. Well worth a read.

Also highly recommended (if you haven't read it yet) is Jerry Ortiz y Pino's Alibi column on city finances under Chavez. Excerpt:

. . . I just saw a television ad for Mayor Chavez' re-election which made my jaw drop. In it, while standing first in a deep trough and then on a high pile of dirt (get it?) he takes credit for restoring Albuquerque's fiscal health. Now that's cajones! The guy did nothing to promote the quarter cent tax increase that bailed out the city and his administration from the depths of the trough (they were digging fast down there, too). He sat quietly on the sidelines while Griego, Councilors Debbie O'Malley, Martin Heinrich and others expended enormous political capital to get the tax passed.

As Baca says:

Marty is always ready to take credit for good things whether he had anything to do with those things. (Witness putting his name on the baseball stadium and the museum expansion.) But the least he can do is tell the truth in his slick advertising. Otherwise we might construe he is ethically challenged.

You might say.

And still on the topic of money, be sure to read for a terrific take-down of Vern Raburn, President and CEO of Eclipse Aviation, and Vern's terrible op-ed against the living wage in this morning's Albuquerque Tribune.

September 21, 2005 at 11:36 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Well, I just bitched at someone in the city clerk's office about my absent absentee ballot. I finally got an APPLICATION to apply for a ballot today--after mailing another application just to get the application! And this after emailing twice with no response!

The person I talked to did consult with the city attorney who said it would be okay to fax the application in, so now that's done and they will mail us expedited ballots, which I will return by express mail--which means our votes will cost around $50.

I accused her of trying to disenfranchise us first, though. I'm sorry I yelled at her, but I take this voting thing seriously!

Can you post, Barb, any details of other initiatives etc. that may be on the ballot? Do we get to vote on whether the zoo should buy a panda or not?

Posted by: KathyF | Sep 21, 2005 1:40:07 PM


What a horrible experience, but not a surprising one given the general state of elections in the U.S. these days. Wow, having to spend $50 to vote is terrible. Let's hope this time the votes are counted accurately after they are cast. All the over and under-votes last time leave alot of doubt.

Here's a link to the League of Women Voter's online guide that includes all the bond questions and ballot propositions:


You can click on their complete election guide as well from that page.

Good luck with the rest of the process. A voting patriot abroad!

Posted by: barb | Sep 21, 2005 2:34:37 PM

Thanks for that info, Barb. I'll let you know if and when we get our ballots.

Posted by: KathyF | Sep 22, 2005 1:51:30 AM

Re Eclipse's Vern Raburn and his whining about the proposed living wage proposal in the Albuquerque Journal, which is increasingly a right-wing rag lacking any hint of ethical journalism: I see they put Vern's crapola on the front page this morning, as if it were a fresh new story, despite the fact it was just a rehash of his previous op-ed that was given a lavish spread in the paper. Since when is an op-ed a news story? These crusaders against fairness will stop at nothing these days. They must really be scared the thing will pass, no?

Posted by: Money Talks | Sep 22, 2005 9:46:16 AM

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