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Friday, September 09, 2005

ABQ Public Access Channel to Air Highlights of Election Reform Event

From Suzanne Prescott, Community Producer, Channel 27 - Albuquerque:

Greg Palast, Lowell Finley and John Boyd are featured in an hour show this Sunday, September 11, from 6-7 PM. The show will be on channel 27, the public access channel on Comcast cable in Albuquerque. This program will be repeated on Monday, September 19, from 6:30-7:30 PM.

The hour show includes only a fraction of the great information from the event [cosponsored by NM Democratic Friends and DFNM to benefit Voter Action NM] that May evening at the IBEW hall, but does include the major presentations by Greg Palast, Lowell Finley and John Boyd in their entirety.

My apologies in advance for the poor equipment, editing and not including more of the great information from that evening.  If you want to hear Greg Palast say as clearly as anyone has that this election was stolen, this is your chance.

Editor's Note: For background, click for related DFNM posts on the May 2005 events in NM with Greg Palast here, here and here. To learn more about the ongoing lawsuit by NM voters against NM Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron and a number of county clerks, visit the Voter Action website.

For reports about discrepancies in 2004 vote tallies in New Mexico, click here, here, here and here or scroll down and click on the links under the heading NM Election Reports on the left-hand sidebar on this page.

September 9, 2005 at 09:50 AM in Local Politics, Media | Permalink


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