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    Monday, September 19, 2005

    Calling all REFORM Democrats

    Joe Monahan discusses the potential fallout from the arrest and indictment of State Treasurer Robert Vigil and his predecessor in that office, Michael Montoya, both Democrats, for extortion to the tune of $650,000. As Monahan says:

    Why was an alleged ten year kickback scheme not uncovered sooner? Where was the Legislative oversight, the state auditor, the state police, the attorney general, the press? All of whom had inklings of a problem. What about the State Investment Council? Where were those guys? The ugly mess points to an obvious need for much more scrutiny of state investment dollars.

    We have a Governor, State Auditor and Attorney General who are Dems, and a Dem-dominated Legislature in NM. None of these people knew about this alleged graft or were prepared to do anything about it? I do note that the biggest contributor to Dem Domingo Martinez's successful 2004 campaign for State Auditor was a Richard Montoya. Any relation? I don't know.

    Emily Esterson at New West also weighs in on this mess and the long history of kickbacks in NM politics.

    Right on the heels of this story, we hear that Democratic Mayor Chavez's pick for City Council District 3, Diana Dorn-Jones, lied about her previous bankruptcy and tax lien when responding to questions by the Albuquerque Journal. And that in line with the Journal's support for Chavez and his deep pocket developer campaign base, the Journal accepted Dorn-Jones' lame excuses at face value.

    And of course we have the ABQPAC and police evidence room scandals of Dem Mayor Marty Chavez himself. Note that Dem Attorney General Patricia Madrid found nothing to prosecute in the evidence room scandal, despite the Albuquerque police chief having to resign and more.

    I ask you: Isn't it high time for every prominent (and rank and file) Democrat to step up and loudly condemn the crooks in the Party, whether they hold public office or hold sway within Party ranks? And to conduct a full-scale cleansing to remove those who operate in the shadows to bring ruin and shame to everything they touch? I'm not talking lip service here, but a real pursuit of corrupt, on the take Dems at all levels of the Party.

    There's been an ongoing battle within the Dem Party between "progressive" Dems and "centrist" or "DLC" Dems, but isn't the REAL battle for the Party's soul pitting those who tolerate and even encourage crooks, kickbacks and shady big donors and those who want to REFORM the Party and rebuild it as a the Party of the People?

    Of course there's corruption abundantly evident in both Parties. Certainly Bush's Republican neocons have exhibited massive levels of corruption and cronyism. Somehow, that's to be expected in a Party dedicated to maximizing the wealth of the few. But too many in today's Democratic Party seem more than willing to abandon the working and middle classes in order to build up personal political warchests, PACs and kickback kingdoms. As a life-long Dem, I find this especially craven and disgusting.

    Perhaps it's time for a new Reform Party along the lines of Teddy Roosevelt's old Bull Moose Party or Robert La Follett's Progressive Party -- devoted to getting the big money corruption and crony capitalism out on both sides of the aisle and reshaping the government to serve ordinary people. Or maybe it's just time for honest Dems who believe in the Party's traditional core values to step up and demand ethics reform at every level of the Democratic Party -- no ifs, ands or buts allowed. Enough is enough.

    UPDATE on the continuing fallout from the state treasurer scandal at Joe Monahan.

    September 19, 2005 at 11:36 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


    With you on that. Every Dem I know is tired of having to put up with this kinda stuff within the party and in so many weak candidates.

    Posted by: Pissed Off Voter | Sep 19, 2005 1:04:50 PM

    I do hate to criticize the Democrats but how can I help it when I read about things like this? I have worked and worked and donated and donate to our candidates and party for many years, but even I am getting fed up with how things are going. How can we win back votes when we have so few willing to speak the truth, be honest and follow the high ground?

    Unfortunately, Mr. Nader may have been right about there being only one party with two faces in the u.s. today. And both of them are for the rich and the big corporations.

    How can we turn this around?

    Posted by: Old Democrat | Sep 19, 2005 3:18:10 PM

    I couldn't agree more. And where is our state party? Yes, you, Mr. Wertheim, and you, Mr.Moss? Why haven't you spoken out on this? And how about you, Governor? I agree with Barb. Where is our leadersip? In bed with the DLC? Guaranteeing that we lose the next election-and the next? Why hasn't Howard Dean been to NM? He has been in nearly every other state in the US. and on and on---- disgusted dem

    Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Sep 19, 2005 4:03:19 PM

    Makes me mad too.

    Posted by: Arlene | Sep 19, 2005 4:25:04 PM

    How about we dismiss these people as unrepresentative of our party and celebrate and support all of the clean, honorable and honest democrats and let the people know that we are about much more. For every one of these corrupt, dirty dems we have dozens of county, city, state and other elected officials that are terrific, honest people. Like Jeff Bingaman, Tom Udall, Rep. Antonio Lujan, Rep. Hector Balderas, Commissioner Deana Archuleta-Loeser, Rep. Miguel Garcia, Gallup Mayor Bob Rosebrough, Rep. Dona Irwin, Commissioner Bill McCamley, etc. . . .

    The republicans will try to say that are party is all about the Michael Montoyas and Robert Vigils of the world. Lets show them the real party and not let them define us.

    Posted by: earnest | Sep 19, 2005 9:22:27 PM

    Jeanne - you asked where the Gov. is... he called for Vigil resign on Sunday.

    Posted by: | Sep 19, 2005 10:04:14 PM

    Sure there are plenty of honest Dems. The challenge is for them, and honest members of the Party, to flush out the corruption and influence of big donors. Now.

    Sure the governor called for them to go on leave, but you can't tell me he didn't know about this before. If he didn't know about it, then that's a problem too. He should have known about it.

    I also realize the charges are allegations, but it sure does look bad.

    Posted by: El Norte | Sep 20, 2005 10:20:06 AM

    Yes, the problem is that such corruption seems to be tolerated by other Dems who should be fighting it. Instead they turn a blind eye. This has to stop.

    Posted by: Old Democratic | Sep 20, 2005 10:25:01 AM

    I think it's very important that honest Dems come forward and insist that this kind of thing be stopped and underline that the Democratic Party is NOT willing to tolerate such behavior. That we stand for honest government for the people, and not for some version of take the money and run.

    Posted by: barb | Sep 20, 2005 2:12:08 PM

    What we are living in is a corrupt mess.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 20, 2005 3:50:35 PM

    Jeanne I love what you say up there. Where are the party leaders for this state. Totally missing. Hiding there own corruption path. They play us as fools, I am certain now. We have donated lots of time and money only to be put aside and shrugged off. The county chair recently informed this website that they were going to remove the link on the e-news because a person sent in an opinion piece about Patsy Madrid that barb posted. So I guess we got the message loud and clear, no bad speak of our dem leaders. If you can call them leaders, leaders of the dem party fraud train. Boy I tell you I feel like shit about this whole thing, we have been literally killing ourselves for change. I am at my wits end with this thievery. I say yes to a new party! No one is representing us. Taxation without representation.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 20, 2005 4:41:10 PM

    I'm visiting from the Daily Kos site and was pleased to see something about the scandal with your state treasurer's office. It's getting nationwide play of sorts, and I wanted to see what the locals were saying.

    Various corruption and cronyism scandals are breaking out all over. We almost expect such things from the Republicans, but we shouldn't have to tolerate it from Democrats.

    Keep fighting the good fight! We are doing it all around the country.

    Posted by: kos visitor | Sep 20, 2005 6:36:10 PM

    Several individuals have brought to my attention your grossly inacurrate report that Michael Montoya made contributions to my State Auditor Campaign. He did not. My involvement with these two alleged criminals is common knowledge and your comments are ridiculous. For now I am interested in letting the US Attorneys Office continue with their prosecution. Please get your facts straight before you publish misleading information!

    Posted by: Domingo P. Martinez | Sep 23, 2005 11:51:32 AM


    You are right. The page at Follow the Money lists your major contributor as Richard Montoya. I don't know if he is any relation to Michael. I stand corrected. Sorry. Someone told me about this and I didn't check the link closely enough. I corrected the information in the post.

    Posted by: barb | Sep 23, 2005 2:11:05 PM

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