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    Tuesday, August 23, 2005

    Tipping Point?

    Wow. More than 2,000 people, many of whom were vets or folks with family members in the service, showed up in Salt Lake City yesterday to protest the Iraq War and other Bush policies as he spoke to the VFW convention there. Read all about it (especially the parts about the courageous stand made by Salt Lake City's Mayor, Rocky Anderson). I mean. This was Utah...


    Salt Lake resident Hugh Musser, 74, said he was a Korean War veteran who came to the protest because of "the lies about this war and the reasons we went into it."

    "I'm so opposed to our administration. I'm not politically motivated, I'm an independent. I think we have really lost our democracy," Musser said.

    And then there's this:

    Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, who accompanied the president, said the president saw the protesters along the motorcade route.

    "[Bush] got a chuckle. He said 'Look, look at all the middle fingers.' Frankly, we ought to show respect to the office and the person regardless of what party they come from."

    Hey Orrin, we respect the office, but we know the person holding it is a liar and an abuser of our democratic heritage. Ah, but George himself can only "chuckle." Has there ever been a president as shallow and juvenile as this one?

    Here's a report from the scene that includes a link to video of Mayor Rocky giving his speech to the protest crowd in Pioneer Square. Highly recommended.

    August 23, 2005 at 11:49 AM in Iraq War | Permalink


    actually, DFA supported Peter Corroon, mayor of Salt Lake COUNTY. I do not believe Rocky Anderson was ever endorsed by DFA. Also, note, that Mayor Anderson has endorsed Martin Chavez's re-election campaign.

    Posted by: correction | Aug 23, 2005 2:10:16 PM

    Oh, that's bad news re Chavez. I guess Rocky hasn't checked out the corruption Chavez is into here these days.

    Posted by: El Norte | Aug 23, 2005 2:24:37 PM

    Yeah, I wonder what some of these people would think if they knew people like Sally Mayer, Tina Cummins and many of the very worst big developers in New Mexico are in the Chavez camp. Marty was once a half-way decent guy. Those days are long gone. He's out for himself and his rich friends now.

    Posted by: Charlie Reform Now | Aug 23, 2005 2:29:22 PM

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