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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Vols Needed for United Voters of NM Booth at State Fair

From Paul and Laura Stokes of United Voters of New Mexico:
United Voters of New Mexico is planning to have a booth at the State Fair this year. We think it's a great way to educate the public about voting problems in NM and election reform issues. So we are asking for your help to sit at the booth for one or more shifts. We want to make the booth as attractive and interesting as possible as well as demonstrate that there is a great deal of public interest and support for election reform.

So please join us at our space in the Lujan building. We would like to see lots of people from outside Albuquerque if you plan to visit the fair this year. Dates are September 9 - 25, hours are 10:00 A.M. till 8:00 P.M.

Let us know the dates and hours you prefer and whether you would like to work two or four-hour shifts, for one day or more. We can get half-price discounts on parking and entrance fees so let us know soon if you are interested in that. You can respond to stokescorrales@comcast.net or 505-898-1237.

Thanks for your participation.

August 13, 2005 at 10:18 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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