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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

REMINDER: Important Sessions on Development of New Nuclear Weapon Presented by Union of Concerned Scientists Next Week Around NM

From the Union of Concerned Scientists:
We wanted to remind you that next week the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) will be in your area talking with activists and supporters about our government’s dangerous proposal to build new nuclear weapons. Please see the schedule below for details. We hope to see you there!

Learn About Misguided U.S. Plans to Develop a New Nuclear Weapon!

During the last week of August, Dr. Robert Nelson, a physicist from the Union of Concerned Scientists, will give a series of presentations in New Mexico about the government’s proposal to build a new nuclear weapon—the “Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator” (RNEP). Numerous scientific critiques, including one by the National Academy of Science, have found that in many cases such a weapon would be ineffective. In addition, the nuclear blast and radioactive fall-out could kill millions of innocent people in surrounding areas.

New Mexicans can play an important role in influencing the fate of this weapon because Senator Pete Domenici chairs the committee that funds RNEP development.

Please join us in Taos, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Socorro or (NEW) Las Cruces. Check the schedule posted on the UCS website for additional venues or changes. If you have questions, please contact us at globalsecurity@ucsusa.org or telephone 202-331-5422.

Currently scheduled events:

Monday, August 29
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Enos Garcia Elementary School
305 Don Fernando Street

Santa Fe
Tuesday, August 30
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Santa Fe Unitarian Universalist Church
107 West Barcelona Street

Wednesday, August 31
7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Friends Meeting House
1600 Fifth Street NW

Thursday, September 1
7:30 to 9:00 pm
New Mexico Tech
Workman Building 101

Las Cruces

Friday, September 2
Brown Bag Lunch Presentation
12:00 to 1:00 pm
New Mexico State University
Room 229 Gardiner Hall (Physics Building)

Please invite your friends to attend these events.

Click to join the email list for the Union of Concerned Scientists.

August 24, 2005 at 09:59 AM in Events | Permalink


(bumping this up)

Netroots Candidate Recruitment

In this morning's blog, political watcher Joe Monahan reports that "no serious challenger" has emerged to take on Heather Wilson.

This is a major opportunity for Albuquerque's progressive community. Here's the challenge: let's recruit a strong, dynamic progressive candidate to run against New Hampshire's favorite daughter.

The establishment in Washington and Santa Fe have failed to annoint a candidate and bestow that person with hundreds of thousands of corporate dollars. Their failure of leadership has given the progressive community a golden opportunity to recruit and unite around a strong progressive voice that can take back New Mexico 1!

Heather Wilson is beatable - and she must be defeated this year lest she make a strong run for Dominici's soon-to-be vacated Senate seat. Bush's popularity is at an all time low and with divisive issues like Social Security remaining on this year's Congressional docket, Wilson could be more vulnerable than ever.

Now is the time to defeat her. Who should we recruit?

Posted by: progressive dem | Aug 24, 2005 10:44:53 AM

You pose the question of the season. If only there were someone brave and passionate who would step up and run. Patsy Madrid? Vigil-Giron? No thanks. Uninspiring, weak candidates.

I heard some people talking about Linda Lopez or Mimi Stewart. It's a start. The sad part is that we know the guv would nix both at the get go.

I think this problem in finding a strong candidate points up just how dismal the NM Dem Party has been for oh so long, stifling anyone who doesn't go along with the worst of the pandering to big dollar donors. Thus we have a pool of boring conformists.

Where is our Paul Hackett?

Posted by: El Norte | Aug 24, 2005 11:54:56 AM

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A Crisis Looms



Photo Albums

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