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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Peace Vigils in Solidarity Set for Tonight


Nationwide peace vigils honoring our troops and Cindy Sheehan's efforts in Crawford will be held at 7:30 PM local time tonight (Wednesday). MoveOn, TrueMajority and Democracy for America are supporting and helping to organize and publicize the events. More than 1600 solemn, candlelight events have been scheduled so far.

Many vigils will be held in New Mexico. Click to find one near you or create your own. As of right now, at least seven events are scheduled for Albuquerque, including large gatherings along Lomas at Girard near the First Congregational Church, at Mitchell Elementary Athletic Field on the North side of Comanche on city property at 10121 Comanche NE and at the Cultural Crossroads Sculpture behind UNM Bookstore. Events are also scheduled for Rio Rancho, on the plaza in Taos, on the East Side of the Capitol Rotunda in Santa Fe, Abiquiu, La Madera, T or C, Hillsboro, Silver City, Las Cruces and Farmington. No doubt more will be added throughout the day.

It's so important that this effort be supported all over America, so click on the link above and get involved NOW.

August 17, 2005 at 11:51 AM in Events, Iraq War | Permalink


So important to be there tonight!

Posted by: Sue | Aug 17, 2005 5:01:06 PM

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