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Monday, August 15, 2005

Dean Rocks on Face the Nation

By all accounts (except the RNC's), DNC Chair Howard Dean did a terrific job on Face the Nation yesterday. See for yourself:

Transcript       Video excerpt

Some quotes:

About Iraq--

First thing we need to do have a plan for leaving. And the second thing we need to do is to make sure that to the best of our ability we can influence the writing of the constitution. It looks like today, and this could change--as of today, it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq. That's a pretty sad commentary on this administration's ability to do anything right.

Asked if the President should meet with Cindy Sheehan--

Sure, he should. I mean, he's--he asked her to give up her son. She did give up her son. There's been many American women and men who've lost their lives and we're trying to understand for what. Today--today, also in your paper, there was an article that said that this--the troops still don't have the proper equipment. What are these people doing that are running the armed forces? I'll tell you what they're doing. People like the president, and people like Secretary Rumsfeld, are ignoring the career experts like General Shinseki who told them before we went in that we needed adequate equipment and adequate troops. They thrust that aside. These people do not know what they're doing that are running this country. They have no conception of what it's like to fight a war because none of them ever have. And that's the great--that would have been the great positive that John Kerry would have brought to the presidency.

On what the Democrats' plan is for getting out of Iraq--

Well, Bob, the president of the United States is commander in chief. It is up to him to come up for a plan. You can't expect a congressman and senators who don't have the same access to intelligence as the president does to come up with a plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq. We look--the president got us into Iraq 'cause people were willing to trust the president, even some Democrats were willing to trust the president in assuming he knew what he was doing.

On Intelligent Design--

The president has been anti-science for a long time.  This is the most anti-scientific regime I've seen in my lifetime.

August 15, 2005 at 05:53 PM in Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (1)

ACTION ALERT: Give Now to the Living Wage Campaign!

From Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich and the Living Wage Campaign:

WE DID IT!  The Living Wage Initiative will be on the ballot October 4th. With the help of hundreds of progressive activists we collected more than 30,000 signatures to place the initiative on the ballot.

Across the country, Republicans and Independents are voting for a cause dear to progressives and associated closely with Democrats -- a higher minimum wage.

Supporters of the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign are working hard every day to pass the initiative which would increase the minimum wage to $7.50 an hour.

But we need your help today as we gear up for a tough campaign against big business anti-worker special interests. Contribute Today at the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign!

The Living Wage Ordinance will help lift tens of thousands of low wage workers out of poverty and off of the welfare rolls, pumping millions of dollars into the local economy.

70% of Albuquerque voters support a higher minimum wage because they believe that if someone works 40 hours, we should value their contribution to society. 

Please lend us your support today.  Contribute Today at the Albuquerque Living Wage Campaign.  If you would like to hold a house party in your neighborhood to spread the word please call us 242-7411 or email us at nmacorn@acorn.org. The election is only two months away.

Help the hardest working workers; and help us forge a more powerful, effective, progressive movement.  In Albuquerque, at least, it's safe to say that we believe a day's work should earn you a wage you can live on. 

August 15, 2005 at 12:36 PM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday Vigils to Support Cindy Sheehan and Camp Casey


From Democracy for America:

Our sons made the ultimate sacrifice and we want answers. All we're asking is that President Bush sacrifice an hour out of his five-week vacation to talk to us, before the next mother loses her son in Iraq. - Cindy Sheehan, August 12, 2005

By now, you've heard of Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq, and her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. What you may not know is that Cindy is a regular DFA Meetup participant in Sacramento. Since last Saturday, she has held vigil outside the president's ranch. Cindy says that she won't leave until President Bush meets with her to discuss the war--even if it means spending all of August there.

We need to show that Cindy is not alone. Now, it is critical to demonstrate broad support for Cindy in every corner of the country.

She has asked supporters to start candlelight vigils in their communities to remind people of the terrible price of war. Democracy for America is teaming up with MoveOn and True Majority to organize nationwide "Vigils for Cindy Sheehan" on Wednesday, August 17, starting at 7:30 PM local time. The vigils are an easy way for people across the country to come together to show support for Cindy and speak out against the war.

Click below to organize or attend one in your community:


These vigils aren't rallies or places to give long-winded speeches. They are moments to solemnly come together and mark the sacrifice of Cindy and other families.

Thank you for standing with Cindy.
Tom Hughes, Democracy for America

Check out our co-sponsors--


One Austinite traveled to Crawford to see who else is at Camp Casey, where they're from and why they came. Click on the photo to get his video mini-documentary: https://www.swimmerfilms.com/id5.html

August 15, 2005 at 09:42 AM in Events, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)

Eric Griego for Mayor Meet-Up This Week!

From the Eric Griego for Mayor campaign:

Open to all:  Supporters, volunteers, and those who just want to learn more about Eric and the campaign.

Talk about what you're hearing, share your ideas, meet other Griego supporters and get to know Eric!

Every other Thursday from 5:30-6:30 PM
At Campaign Headquarters
1020 Coal SE (east of I-25, entrance on Mulberry)

Next Meet-Up:  August 18th

For more information call Molly at 681-3012.

August 15, 2005 at 09:40 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Following the Crawford TX Protest

THE CROSSES TO HONOR the Iraq dead begin here
and stretch half a mile.
— Iconoclast Photo By Deborah Mathews

Gold Star Peace Mother Cindy Sheehan is posting every day on Daily Kos, while Truthout has lots of videos and posts from Cindy and others on the ground at Crawford. They also have a roundup of political cartoons about the protest and Bush's reaction. Good coverage continues at the Lone Star Iconolclast. Here's a post and a letter from a Ft. Hood soldier who visited the peace encampment to present it to Cindy.

Cindy with cross for her son,
U.S. Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan,
among dozens of other crosses representing Iraq war deaths

Related links:

Gold Star Families for Peace

Crawford Peace House (Crawford Effort Donations Welcome)

Military Families Speak Out

Veterans for Peace

Code Pink

Viet Nam Veterans Against the War

Iraq Veterans Against the War

August 13, 2005 at 01:35 PM in Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)

Vols Needed for United Voters of NM Booth at State Fair

From Paul and Laura Stokes of United Voters of New Mexico:
United Voters of New Mexico is planning to have a booth at the State Fair this year. We think it's a great way to educate the public about voting problems in NM and election reform issues. So we are asking for your help to sit at the booth for one or more shifts. We want to make the booth as attractive and interesting as possible as well as demonstrate that there is a great deal of public interest and support for election reform.

So please join us at our space in the Lujan building. We would like to see lots of people from outside Albuquerque if you plan to visit the fair this year. Dates are September 9 - 25, hours are 10:00 A.M. till 8:00 P.M.

Let us know the dates and hours you prefer and whether you would like to work two or four-hour shifts, for one day or more. We can get half-price discounts on parking and entrance fees so let us know soon if you are interested in that. You can respond to stokescorrales@comcast.net or 505-898-1237.

Thanks for your participation.

August 13, 2005 at 10:18 AM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Fun & A Great Cause: 2005 Valle Vidal Great Outdoor Adventure Set for 8/19-21


WildAlert from The Wilderness Society:

Please Attend : Pack Up the Family and Head to the Hills!!
Join us at the 2005 Valle Vidal Great Outdoor Adventure

If you are looking for a family friendly weekend in the great outdoors AND a fun way to support a good cause, join us at the 2005 Valle Vidal Great Outdoor Adventure, August 19th - 21st, 2005.

This exciting weekend-long event includes a community forum with New Mexico's Governor Richardson, former President of the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association Gary Fonay, and Mayor Danny Cruz of Springer, New Mexico, and will discuss the importance of protecting "New Mexico's Yellowstone." The event includes family friendly activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, wildlife viewing, and the restoration of critical riparian and wetland areas.

For complete event details, please visit this site or contact Oscar Simpson, New Mexico Wildlife Federation, at 505-345-0117 or oscarsimpson3@yahoo.com.
Brief History
In 1982, the Pennzoil Company donated 100,000 acres of Vermejo Park (located in northern New Mexico) to the people of the United States, through the Forest Service. It was the largest and most valuable donation of private land to the Forest Service. The area became known as the Valle Vidal unit, named after what the Indians and Spanish referred to as "The Valley of Life."

This 100,000-acre recreational paradise is filled with breathtaking landscapes, wildlife, lush grassy meadows, and sparkling streams set in a backdrop of lush green conifer forest. This majestic landscape starts at an elevation of around 7,800 feet and terminates at 12,544 feet - the summit of Little Costilla Peak is New Mexico's the third highest mountain.

No Management Plan
To date, there is no comprehensive Forest Management Plan for the Valle Vidal. The Multiple Use Area Guide for the Valle Vidal, published in 1982, called for the creation of a Forest Management Plan for the Valle, but was abandoned in the 1990s, and never finished.

An Irresponsible Energy Policy
The Carson National Forest is under a lot of pressure, both from the Bush Administration's Energy Task Force and the insatiable Oil and Gas Industry, to "fast track" the opening of Valle Vidal for energy development. The Carson is currently conducting studies in order to lease 40,000 acres on the Eastern portion of the Valle Vidal for coalbed methane development.

For more information About the Valle Vidal please visit https://www.ValleVidal.org or the USDA Forest Service-Valle Vidal web site at https://www.fs.fed.us/r3/carson/plans/index.shtml.
The Wilderness Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving American wilderness. Our mission is to ensure that future generations will enjoy the clean air and water, wildlife, beauty, and opportunity for recreation and renewal provided by pristine forests, rivers, deserts, and mountains. As a subscriber to WildAlert, you join over 250,000 Wilderness Society members and supporters in our efforts to protect and restore America's wild places.

(Photo courtesy of the Coalition for the Valle Vidal.)

August 12, 2005 at 04:46 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

The Energy Bill's Gift to Terrorists

Yikes. Read about this over on ex-Albuquerque mayor Jim Baca's blog, Only in New Mexico and at local blog, Soy Blue. And to think that our own Senator Pete Domenici had a major role in making this possible...boggles the mind, and the soul too.

August 12, 2005 at 09:54 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)

Rich Man's War


With Gold Star Peace Mother Cindy Sheehan (be sure to watch the video) hanging tough in Crawford, Texas, waiting for the vacationing-bicycling-brush clearing president to give her two minutes of his precious time, we thought it would be a good time to buy tickets to catch musician Steve Earle at the Lobo Theater on Tuesday. You can too. A sample:

Rich Man's War, by Steve Earle
From the Album: Revolution Starts Now

Jimmy joined the army ‘cause he had no place to go
There ain’t nobody hirin’
‘round here since all the jobs went
down to Mexico
Reckoned that he’d learn himself a trade maybe see the world
Move to the city someday and marry a black haired girl
Somebody somewhere had another plan
Now he’s got a rifle in his hand
Rollin’ into Baghdad wonderin’ how he got this far
Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war

Bobby had an eagle and a flag tattooed on his arm
Red white and blue to the bone when he landed in Kandahar
Left behind a pretty young wife and a baby girl
A stack of overdue bills and went off to save the world
Been a year now and he’s still there
Chasin’ ghosts in the thin dry air
Meanwhile back at home the finance company took his car
Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war

When will we ever learn
When will we ever see
We stand up and take our turn
And keep tellin’ ourselves we’re free

Ali was the second son of a second son
Grew up in Gaza throwing bottles and rocks when the tanks would come
Ain’t nothin’ else to do around here just a game children play
Somethin’ ‘bout livin’ in fear all your life makes you hard that way

He answered when he got the call
Wrapped himself in death and praised Allah
A fat man in a new Mercedes drove him to the door
Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war

"Before this all started, I used to think that one person couldn’t make a difference... but now I see that one person who has the backing and support of millions of people can make a huge difference."--Cindy Sheehan


On the national level, the Huffington Post has an abundance of commentary on Sheehan, the Iraq War, Bush and Democrats by people like Gary Hart, Norman Lear, Andy Stern, Tom Hayden, Rep. Jim McDermott, Cindy Sheehan herself and even New Mexico's own Jim Baca. Go read.

Texas blog The Lone Star Iconoclast has a running diary from the Crawford Peace House.

August 12, 2005 at 08:58 AM in Iraq War, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Seniors to Elect Eric Griego Planning Meeting Set for Saturday

Seniors to Elect Eric Griego Planning Meeting
Saturday, August 13th
11AM - Noon

Campaign Headquarters
1020 Coal SE
Just east of I-25, entrance on Mulberry

Only 10 weeks until the election! Help us organize our group, schedule senior events, and brainstorm other ideas.

For more info call Molly at 681-3012

August 11, 2005 at 04:46 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)