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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Legislative Election Reform Task Force to Meet Monday

From United Voters of NM:
Hello All, a reminder that you’re invited to come to the next meeting of the Election Reform Task Force, set for next Monday, August 15, at 10 AM in Room 307 at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.

Bob Stearns reminds that there is usually parking in the state government parking lot east of the Roundhouse. You can check with the Legislature's website for updates. Give us your ideas (info@uvotenm.org) on which issues you believe are most urgent for United Voters NM to pursue in the 2006 legislative session.

Here's the agenda for the MON 8/15 meeting -- nothing here on electronic voting machines:

10:15 AM: Rules for 3rd Party Registration Agents; Registration Forms, Federal Forms, Implementation, Associated Costs – Ernie Marquez, Elections Bureau Director

Noon: Lunch

1:30 PM: Procedures for Voters to Challenge Rejected Provisional Ballots; SecState Appeal Procedures under HAVA; Costs -- Marquez again 

2:30 PM: Timing of Open Registration and Early Voting – Mary Herrera, Bernalillo Cty Clerk

3:00 PM: Address Provisions for Registration and Petition Purposes – Marquez.

Meeting adjourns at 3:30 PM.
Editor's Note: This is a continuation of the effort at the last NM Legislative Session to enact meaningful election reform. These meetings will be held regularly until the next Session in January to map out additional election reform measures and discuss how to implement provisions from the last Session. It's important that we keep up the pressure on election reform and the more people we have in attendance, the more clout we will have in the process. Senator Linda Lopez and Representative Ed Sandoval are Co-Chairs of this Interim Committee.

August 11, 2005 at 10:41 AM in Events | Permalink


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